5. Food

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"So, Harper," Damian appeared behind the red haired man like a surfacing shark.

"Ahh," Roy screamed a little, jumping too. He looked at the blue eyed, tan skinned boy and smiled small. Jason told him to be wary of this child. "Hey, Damian."

"What do you want with Todd, Harper? Do you want to marry him? Have kids with him?" Damian interrogated. "You know, Jason really isn't the fatherly type. So if you do have kids with him you'd be taking care of them. It would be a shame to see your youth be spent dedicated to a child."

Roy raised an eyebrow and started to swim away.

"Hey, Roy," Tim began from behind him. Once again Roy screamed and jumped. "Sorry about, Damian. He is asking the wrong questions. What we really want to know is if Jason has any weird habits. Come on, spill the beans."

"I thought it was the tea," Damian mumbled.

"Okay, this is a bit weird. I don't have any information to tell you," Roy mumbled before swimming away.

Both brothers grabbed the man's shoulders, causing him to yelp in pain. "Sun burn, sun burn, sun burn."

"I thought you didn't burn," Tim grinned widely. He made his grip tighter.

"Okay, Jason likes men's crop tops."

Damian and Tim both let go of Roy, bursting out laughing. Damian almost went under because of how hard he was laughing.

Roy quickly made his way to shore, Damian followed, not to pester Roy but because he was laughing too much.

"He didn't really have a sunburn," Barbara whispered to Cassandra. "He just had to make it look like he was being forced so Jason won't go off on him."

"Jason still will," Cassandra shrugged.

"I hate the sun," Bruce growled as he sat next to Damian on the beach. "I can handle criminals like Joker and Two-Face, but I can't handle the sun."

"You have burned, Father?" Damian looked to see his dad's flesh a pink color. Damian bursted out laughing again. "I'm so glad I'm not pale like you."

"Demon," Tim hissed as he stormed over to Damian.

"Yes? I thought we were on good terms but it seems we are back to our old games."

"Damian put this on his snap chat story," Tim growled as he held up his phone, showing a very handsome photo of him in the water, but it was defaced with his name drawn above him and an arrow pointing along with: I hope he drowns :))).

"Well, that was very rude of Damian. Damian, apologize," Bruce began.

"I'm sorry, Drake, for expressing my feelings, which happens to be one of my amendments."

"That wasn't a real apology. Bruce, make him do it again," Tim whined.

"Okay, fine," Damian took in a deep breath. "Did I hurt your feelings?"


"Good, I hope you drown."

"Damian," Bruce bellowed.

"Hey, Damian," Jason called. "Do you have anymore turkeys we can cook?"

"Don't you dare talk about Jeff in that manner you rat," Damian got up and began charging to Jason, anger in his eyes.

"Oh heck," Jason sighed, preparing for a fight.

"Boys, enough," Stephanie sighed. "I know Damian is being a little rat towards everyone but he can't help it. He's naturally a demon."

"It's true," Damian sighed in agreement.

"Okay gang, the barbecue is ready," Dick called with a wide grin. "We have burgers, sausage, steak, and a leaf for our little vegetarian."

"You expect me to eat a leaf? I thought Pennyworth was making me a salad."

"Well he was but then I said I'd make it. He gave me the stuff but Stephanie threw the tomatoes into the water so all you have left is a cucumber and some leaves," Dick explained.

"I hate this family," Damian growled.

"That's fair," Dick replied.

"Okay, come over here and let's start placing bets," Stephanie grinned. "I personally bet thirty dollars that Damian is wearing so much hair jelly that his hair will catch on fire."

"Excuse me, I'm not wearing any hair jell. And my hair still looks flawless," Damian ran a hand through his hair, grinning. "But if that was to happen to any of us, it would hands down be me."

"I bet fifteen dollars that Tim and Damian will get into a fight and shove someone into the fire," Dick joined in.

"Come on, Grayson, don't be stingy," Barbara hissed."

"Alright fine, twenty five dollars."

"That's better. I bet an Alexander Hamilton that Roy and Jason will try to be all romantic and slyly make out and fall into the fire," Barbara added.

"Ten dollars, really?" Dick raised an eyebrow.

"Not everyone is the surrogate son of a millionaire."

"I bet thirty five dollars that Tim will 'trip' and fall into the fire," Damian chipped in.

"Fine, i bet twenty dollars that either Tim, Damian, or Jason annoy someone to the point that they push them into the fire or grill," Cassandra beamed.

"I'm so proud of her," Bruce sniffed falsely.

Jason stood up, "Well, I bet fifty six dollars and ninety nine cents that Damian's cucumber will also end up in the sea."

"That's a very specific number," Stephanie pointed out.

"Keep your grimy hands off my cucumber you flea," Damian screeched when Jason grabbed the green vegetable from his hand. The man tossed the cucumber into the water.

"Pay up," Jason gleamed.

"Oh, no. Damian is about to attack," Stephanie snorted. "Damian is the real shark here."

Damian growled and pushed Jason, Jason stumbled back, his leg hitting the still hot grill resting on the ground. "Heck, i just burned my leg!"

"That's what you get for using a charcoal grill."

"Pay up," Cassandra grinned.

"It's not a serious burn, you are fine," Roy huffed.

"Okay, everyone. It's a holiday, so we shall pray," Tim smiled and clasped his hands together. "Dear shark god, today we eat in honor of you, for you grant us with the joy-"

"And fear," Stephanie added.

"Of sharks. Amen," Tim finished.

They turned to look, Damian's body spazzing in a seizure.

"Oh, god, he really is a demon," Roy gasped.

"Every time," Jason growled.

"Someone pray to Satan, it should help," Barbara scoffed.

"Dick, you do it," Jason suggested.

"Heck, no! Tim should do it, he messed everything up in the first place."

"What? I'm a saint, I can't do such a satanic thing!" Tim screamed.

"Dear lord and savor," Cassandra began.

"Alright, I'm back," Damian gasped. "No need to make yourself a satanist, Cain."

"Sweet," Cassandra replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Alright, kiddos, lets eat!"

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