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  Okay.  This is it.  This is the end.

  The wind blew Wonwoo's bangs into his face.  Everyone was inside the school.  No could see, meaning no one would be there to stop him.  He climbed onto the ledge and looked out over the schoolyard.  The view from the roof was nice.  Not a bad choice as the last thing he would ever see.  This is it.

  It's not that he particularly wanted to die, but Wonwoo liked to be in control, he always had.  If he was going to die, it was going to be when he said so.  It was his life and he could decide what to do with it.  And it stopped here.  It's not like many people would care, anyway.  He was still terrified that he would be forgotten.  Lost in time.  But none of that mattered.  This is the end.

  "Hey!  You're going to fall!"

  Or not.  

  Wonwoo was lifted back to safety by a pair of strong arms.  This wasn't how it was supposed to go.  He should be dead by now.

  "What were you thinking?" the person asked.  "You could have died!"  Yes, well that was the whole point.  Wait.  That voice was familiar.  Wonwoo turned around.  Shit.

  It was Mingyu.  The guy Wonwoo had been hopelessly crushing on for a long time.  Now he was going to think he was crazy.  Why does it matter, anyway? Wonwoo asked himself.  I was supposed to be dead anyway.  I shouldn't care.

  "Uh, are you okay?  You're really quiet."

  "I'm fine."

  "You don't look fine.  What were you doing up here?"

  "None of your business.  What were you doing here."

  "Skipped class.  But--"

  Wonwoo pushed past Mingyu and ran out the door, through the hallways, out of the school, leaving Mingyu perplexed.

  Wonwoo kept running without a plan, not knowing where he would stop.  And he realized that maybe he really didn't want to die.  At least, he wanted to be remembered.  Thank you, Mingyu.  You saved me.

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