The Moment: Chapter One

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 "I can't believe he would do that! He could've talked to us, but nooo, he just had to leave with no explanation." Sophie said. It was early morning at Foxfire, and Fitz was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, Sophie, if it helps, I might kinda know where Fitz went, but I can only tell you so much." Biana explained. She pulled out a little teal box, with a note on it. Sophie took the note, and read it. 

Hey Sophie

I know you're probably reading this because of my sudden disappearance, but I will be back in a few days. I just had a secret assignment from the Black Swan. Anyways, Mr. Forkle is waiting for me so I best get going.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Love, Fitz

"Hey guys, sorry I'm a bit late, but man, those elite towers have crazy guidelines. WHOA Foster!! What's wrong?" Keefe asked.

"Oh nothing really, just the fact that-"

"I've been gone for a few days."

"Fitz?" Sophie whirled around to find Fitz flashing his movie star smile. She blushed as she asked,  "Where have you been?" She ran up to him, strangling him for a hug. 

"Oh, somewhere that includes getting covered in a bunch of dirt. Enough about me, did you open the box?" Sophie shook her head, and she noticed that Fitz had blushed.

"Hey guys. Sooo, are they like a thing now?" Tam asked, smirking as Biana giggled. "No, but they will be," Biana whispered. "Oh don't look at me like that Keefe, we all knew it would end like this."

"I mean I guess." Keefe grumbled as Dex was approaching, with Lihn by his side. 

"Well, open it." Fitz grabbed the box from Biana, and handed it over to Sophie. Sophie looked at the box a little more closely before opening it. She noticed that on the ribbon, there were runes stitched on them. Runes she could read.

We could all use a little more weird in our lives.

Sophie smiled, then took the ribbon off. She opened the box, and found a bracelet. 

"Wow Fitz, that's a great gift. At least you didn't get her another necklace or ring." Tam snorted. Lihn elbowed her brother as Dex and Keefe started cracking up laughing.

"You're right Tam, it is a great gift." Sophie replied. She put the bracelet on, and noticed that Fitz was hiding his arm behind his back. "Hey Fitz, why is-"

"Uh oh, time to go." Biana said. She winked at Sophie before whispering something to Fitz. Sophie saw that Fitz looked at her, blushing. Keefe then took Fitz's arm, and ran toward the elite towers.

"I guess that means its time for us to get to class too." Lihn said, dragging her brother along with her.

Sophie, Biana, and Dex walked to their classes in silence. Sophie waved to them as she walked into one of her classes. Just as she was about to sit, she decided to find out why everyone was acting weird.

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