The Moment: Chapter Three

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"WHAT IN THE WORLD!! Fitz, you almost gave me a heart attack." Sophie yelled as they arrived at the gates to Everglen.

"Sorry. Really, I am truly sorry. I just didn't know how else I could sneak out of the elite towers without the Beacon knowing I was gone. Anyways, I hid my arm because I didn't want to get embarrassed." Fitz explained, pulling up his sleeve to reveal an identical bracelet that matched the one on Sophie's wrist.

"Embarrassed? Why would you be embarrassed?" Sophie asked, blushing as Fitz took her hand. "You did get matching bracelets because we're cognates, right?" Fitz shook his head in reply, and led Sophie to a tree. The same tree she fell from when they were playing base quest.

"Sophie, I have to tell you something. But, I will only tell you if you tell me your secret." He smirked as Sophie turned red. But, surprisingly, Sophie agreed.

"Okay, and whatever is said, we both swear that it won't change anything." Sophie said. As Fitz nodded, she let out a sigh. "Well then, let's get started."

Fitz kept running his hand through his hair, waiting to tell Sophie at the right time. "Okay, how about this," Fitz said, not quite having the courage to tell Sophie yet. "We'll both say our secrets at the same time. That way, we can get it over and done with at the same time." 

Sophie thought about it for a minute, then agreed. She decided to start the countdown. 




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