The Moment: Chapter Ten

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"DEX!!" Sophie yelled, not thinking about anything anymore. She let go of Fitz's hand, not noticing that he grabbed her and picked her up. She started thrashing, needing to go help her friend. Her best friend.

"Fitz, please. I need to go help him." Sophie pleaded.

Fitz held up his finger, showing her that she needed to be quiet. He carried her down to a little opening in a tree, and set her down. It was wide enough to barely fit the two of them.

"Sophie, I need you to calm down. Yelling isn't going to help them, especially since the Neverseen aren't far from where we are." On cue, Fitz turned around to look if they were being followed. He turned back to Sophie, finding her crying.

"I'm sorry Fitz," she managed to say. "I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking, and I could've put us in danger. I'm-"

"Hey, it's okay. Lets just get through one thing at a time." Fitz said, wiping a few tears off of Sophie's face. He offered her his hand, and she took it. "Let's go save our friends."

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