The Moment: Chapter Twenty Four

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"Wow." Sophie managed to say, gasping at what see saw before her. There was a crystal clear lake in front of her, surrounded by a lot of beautiful trees. She also saw some birds and butterflies fly overhead. "This is-"

"Amazing? Beautiful?" Fitz asked when Sophie didn't continue. When she nodded, he smiled. He watched Sophie for a few more seconds, before a realization hit him. "I wish I had a photographic memory like you." Fitz said. Sophie stopped admiring the view, and turned towards him. 


"Because, I want to remember this moment in exact detail." Fitz answered. He walked closer to Sophie, and hugged her. "The most beautiful person in the universe, in the most beautiful place in the world." He whispered. He felt Sophie smile, and let go of her. 

"Well, should I consider myself lucky?" Sophie asked, laughing as she asked.

"Definitely." Fitz replied. He smiled at Sophie, and she blushed.

I'll race you. Sophie transmitted to Fitz. She looked down at the lake, and smirked.

What? Where? Fitz asked. But before he realized what was happening, Sophie was already halfway to the water.

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