The Moment: Chapter Six

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"Okay then, what's the plan?" Keefe asked.

"Well, we should-"

"Oh Fitz, we'll listen to your plan right  after Foster gets one going." Keefe interrupted, eyeing Sophie. He clearly knew she had one ready to share.

"Okay, here's the deal. Fitz and I will split up out on these hills," Sophie explained, pointing to the hills that were on either side of them. "Keefe, you will go straight down the middle. I will track their thoughts to find where the base is. When I do, I'll transmit to Fitz, and then I'll transmit it to Keefe. Once we all know where it's at, we go at them at full speed." Sophie finished. Both boys were looking at her as if she had made a battle plan for war.

"Alright. Lets get this show on the road!" Keefe exclaimed, jogging up to where a small tree was.

"Ready?" Fitz asked. He looked tired, but Sophie could see the determination in his eyes. 

"Yep," Sophie replied. Then she realized something. "Where is our base gonna be?"

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