The Moment: Chapter Eleven

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Sophie and Fitz jogged back to the paths they took when the game first started. Sophie started noticing that some of the trees looked familiar. That's when she saw, near the tree that was their base, five shadows up against a rock. Sophie broke into a sprint.

"Are you guys okay?" Sophie asked, whispering. When everyone nodded, she asked her friends what they saw.

"Sophie, not right now. We need to go inside first." Fitz said, pointing to a door that was a few steps away from them. Sophie nodded, and told the rest of the group what to do. They did what Sophie told them, leaving Fitz and herself behind.

"Let's go," Sophie pleaded. She watched Fitz hesitate as he was going to answer.

"Sophie, I-"

"LOOK OUT!!!" Sophie screamed, pushing Fitz out of the way. He looked up, and saw a ball a fire heading towards Everglen. It was quickly taken out by a splash of water.

"Go guys!! We'll do our job here. Go hide!" Lihn yelled from inside. Sophie and Fitz got up, and started to run. They were nearing a cliff, when they heard a gruesome cackle behind them. They turned around to find the three figures before them. The one in the middle spoke, causing Sophie and Fitz to gasp.

"Miss me?"

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