The Moment: Chapter Fifteen

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Fitz, what do you mean?

Go to Havenfield.

Sophie closed her eyes, imagining the glittering pastures and beautiful home, imagined Grady and Edaline greeting her home. She heard the lightening opening up the sky, and gripped Fitz's hand. 


"What. Happened?" Grady asked Fitz and Sophie as they walked in. They both were dirty from playing and hiding in the tree. But, they were also pretty tired.

"It's a long story," Both Sophie and Fitz answered. "And definitely one we do not have time for." Sophie finished, looking at Sandor. He started to open his mouth.

"Nope," Sophie said, leading Fitz to her room. "I don't have time for lectures. Our friends need us."

She walked straight to her desk, and took out her spyball. "Show me Alden Vacker, Della Vacker, Biana Vacker, Keefe Sencen, Dex Dizznee, Lihn Song, and Tam Song." She held in her breath, but they appeared. She smiled. 

"Can I see?" Fitz asked. He walked over and took a spot right next Sophie. She nodded, handing him the spyball. 

"It seems they're holding off pretty well, but they won't for long." Fitz said, pointing to the way Tam and Keefe had to carry Lihn.

"So we have to go then." Sophie got up, but was stopped by a firm hand. She turned, and found very glossy, but very beautiful teal eyes. 

"Not without a plan," Fitz replied, sniffling. "So they have a pyrokinetic and a psionipath, right?" Sophie nodded. Then she figured it out.

"As long as they have the psionipath, they have protection." She was confused, but slowly felt a plan forming.

"Yep. And the only one who we know can stop that psionipath is Tam, but he's helping to hold Lihn."

"So what your saying is I have to be the one who goes?" Sophie asked, still confused.

"What I'm saying," Fitz started, taking Sophie's hand. "Is that we need all the people we can get. And, we don't even know if they have reinforcements." 

Sophie nodded, sitting back down next to Fitz. She laid her head against his shoulder, frustrated and exhausted. She was about to close her eyes for a little bit, when she saw a shadow near her doorway.

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