The Moment: Chapter Sixteen

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"Sandor?" Fitz asked. Sophie brought her head up, and looked at her bodyguard. He was fully loaded with goblin throwing stars, and it looked like he had sharpened his sword.

"Yes Mr. Vacker. I want to help, and not because your my charge," Sandor said, looking at Sophie. "But because I don't want to let you down, any of you. Grizel is helping the Vackers right now, but she can't hold them off for long." He looked down. 

"Well, when are we gonna go?" Sophie asked, putting her glove back on.


Sophie looked at her doorway, and saw Grady and Edaline, hand in hand.

"If we're gonna catch them, we need to get there as fast as we can." Grady said, looking at his wife. Edaline looked back at him, and nodded. They both looked back at Sophie and Fitz, waiting for a response.

"Well then, let's go!" Fitz exclaimed.

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