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y/n let out a heaving sigh as she, for the millionth time in a row, messed up her equation.

everybody else seemed to be doing fine, all except her.

her grades were dropping, and even billy andrews was beginning to pass her.

she dropped her chalk onto her slate, completely giving up. at this point, she just didn't care anymore.

mr. philips, who was walking around observing the students (especially prissy andrews), finally got around to y/n and stopped right at her desk.

"this is dismal." he remarked, looking at her slate. y/n looked up at him, heat rising to her cheeks.

 it had been completely quiet in the room, but now everyone was looking at her. a flood of humiliation overtook her and she looked down so that her hair would cover the sides of her face from prying eyes.

"you can't even do a simple math problem," mr. philips scoffed.

"see me after class." he finished.

y/n squeezed her eyes shut and let out a quiet groan of embarrassment as everybody (finally) looked away from her and went back to their slates.


finally, lunch time came around and y/n had no desire whatsoever to sit with her friends. she was still embarrassed, and she knew for a fact they'd bring up what mr. philips had said.

it's easy for them to talk about, of course. they all had perfect grades. y/n was good or average in pretty much everything, except math.

she knew everybody thought she was dumb now.

y/n thought about how long it would take to live this down as she nibbled on her bread. she had no appetite, but she couldn't just sit there and look like what had happened was affecting her either.

she was so caught up in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed gilbert blythe walk up to her desk. he had stood there for about a minute or two before he awkwardly cleared his throat.

y/n looked up, eyes wide in surprise.

"oh, um... sorry." she said quietly. gilbert smiled at her.

"it's okay... i just came by to ask you something." he said, kneeling down next to her.

y/n looked down at him awkwardly.

"so i noticed you struggling in class earlier..." he began.

there it was. she knew someone would talk about it and just make everything worse.

"i was just wondering if you'd want some extra help. you know, like a tutor." he offered kindly. y/n looked at him in confusion. gilbert barely knew her, why was he doing this?

"um, no thanks. i'll get the hang of it eventually." she refused politely, turning back to her food.

gilbert's face slightly dropped.

"oh, that's okay then." he said. then he got up and returned back to his seat.


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