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december 6th

dear y/n,

i've made it to trinidad! it's amazing here. indescribable, really. it's been great, being out on the ocean, going places i've never even dreamed of. i wish you were here with me, though. i also wish i could still attend school. i must be very behind. i have to go, bash (he's a friend i made on the steamer) is calling me. i'll write again soon.



december 17th

dear y/n,

do you know what mangoes are? they're almost better than apples. anyway, i had a very life changing encounter today. i helped a woman give birth! i've only done that with animals, but today i found out it works on a human too! her name is ruth. she's okay now, and her baby is healthy.



december 28th

dear y/n

we visited bash's mother today. he hasn't seen her in a very long time, because he's been on the steamer for about ten years now. also, why aren't you writing to me? 

i miss you!



january 3rd

dear y/n,

i'm worried about you. are you getting these letters? i hope so. what if i'm writing to a random stranger?  anyway, trinidad was nice, but we're back on the ocean. all i know is that we're going to a nearby country.



january 15th

dear y/n

word came to me about your father. i'm so sorry for your loss.

please write back. if anyone can help you through this, it's me. i'm your best friend, remember?



january 23rd

dear gilbert,

thank you for your condolences about my father. i'm sorry it took me so long to write. i just didn't know if i had the words to say what i truly felt. i just can't help but feel neglected by the fact you chose to leave. you hurt me a great deal, gilbert. i don't think i could ever describe this feeling to you. it's too horrible.



january 30th

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