truth or dare

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the first day of fall had befallen avonlea, raising excitement among children, and even the adults. tonight, mr. barry would hold a party in honor of the first day of autumn. it was for everybody, even the kids. at school, mr. barry's party was the only topic of conversation, especially among diana barry.

"we won't be under adult supervision most of the time," diana exclaimed between giggles. the other girls exchanged excited looks.

"will the boys be there?" ruby gillis asked, glancing quickly over at gilbert blythe. y/n bit her lip so that she wouldn't protest. gilbert blythe was quite the character; a certain character that y/n had certain feelings for. but nobody knew that. yet. she hoped to confide in diana at the party tonight. she was awfully nervous.

"well, of course! all of them, i think. gilbert, moody, charlie, even billy." diana replied. y/n made a gagging sound as soon as she heard billy's name.

"billy isn't that bad!" josie snapped, glaring at y/n.

"well not to you. after all, you're the one that has a crush on him!" jane teased.

"do not!"

"do too!"

"do not!"

"do t-,"

"what're you arguing about over here?"

jane and josie looked up quickly to see a skeptical looking billy andrews gazing down at them. heat rushed to josie's cheeks.

"nothing." she said a little too quickly. billy smirked, and walked away. all the girls stared at josie, who looked down at her apple as her cheeks grew redder still.

"fine, maybe just a little."


y/n grew restless waiting for her parents to get ready so that they could go to the party. she sat on the porch, staring straight ahead, waiting patiently with excitement building up inside of her. she feared that if she sat there any longer, she'd burst.

finally, her parents walked out the door, ready to head over to the barry's. y/n jumped up and raced over to the carriage.

"this will be so fun!" she exclaimed.

"you've better keep your head. i won't be able to be on your tail the whole time, so just make sure you behave." y/n's mother reminded her.

y/n grinned mischievously as she climbed into the carriage.


the whole way over, y/n's mind raced with thoughts of excitement.

she was especially excited to see gilbert. she never really got to talk to him outside of school; or inside of school, for that matter. he did walk her home once, but that was quickly cut off by a jealous ruby who begged him to walk her home instead. so he did, and y/n had to watch ruby cheerfully trail off with him.

ever since then, she didn't like ruby as much.

but y/n quickly pushed those memories out of her head. she was determined to not let anything spoil the night. even though ruby would probably be a little b--

suddenly, the carriage came to a stop, forcing y/n out of her thoughts.

her slight frown quickly turned back into a wide grin as she saw diana waving vigorously at her carriage. y/n squealed, and jumped out of the carriage, running to diana in excitement.

"oh, i'm so glad you're here! there aren't many of our friends here yet and i was becoming awfully bored," diana complained. y/n's grin faltered as she realized she still needed to tell diana.

"diana," she began, "is there anywhere we can talk in private?"


"so, what is it you wanted to tell me?" diana asked as they walked around their garden.

"please don't be upset with me when i tell you," y/n pleaded.

"i won't! go on."

"okay," y/n took a deep breath. "i think i like gilbert. well, actually, i know i do." she said, studying diana's facial expression.

"i know ruby has 'dibs' but i can't help it, and i really don't think the concept of 'dibs' is fair," y/n said quickly after she saw diana's smile falter.

"i knew it." diana whispered. y/n gave her a pleading expression. "and frankly, i'm okay with it too. gilbert does look rather uncomfortable around ruby," diana giggled. y/n let out a sigh of relief.

"promise you won't tell anyone?" y/n grinned.

"of course! i promise." diana said, linking her pinky around y/n's.

"we better get back, more people might've arrived," diana said. y/n nodded and they set off back to diana's house.

"maybe gilbert's there," she teased.


(a/n) part 2 will come out soon!

sorry for not updating so long, i've been busy with school ugh.

also, here's a question for you guys:

what country are you from?

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