christmas list ; part 1

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the snow fell daintily and quietly before they reached the white blankets covering the earth.

december had always been the most beautiful month, in y/n's opinion. the world is nice and quiet-- everything is put to sleep; the flowers, the trees, the grass... she found that it eases her mind to see the ground covered in a soft blanket of something so natural and so beautiful.

y/n woke up and went straight to the window, sighing dreamily at the spine-tingling winter wonderland she was seeing with her very own eyes.

she picked out a dress-- it was pastel blue, because it reminded her of winter. then, she tied a white, lace ribbon in her hair. the intricate designs on it reminded her of snowflakes. she pulled on her shoes and hurried downstairs so that she could eat breakfast and be on her way to school.

y/n sat down to a plate of scrambled eggs with buttered toast and a cup of milk. she scarfed it down, earning a few raised eyebrows from her mother and father.

"goodness, child, where are your manners?" her mother retorted. y/n looked up, unaware of the attention she had been drawing to herself.

"oh-- forgive me, it's just that it looks so stunning outside, doesn't it?" she replied in a breathless way. her mother smiled a little at her enthusiasm, and her father chuckled.

when y/n finished the last of her milk, she rose from the table quickly as she said thanked her mother for the food.

she threw on her coat, biting her lip to suppress a smile that was bound to make her cheeks hurt. y/n grabbed her lunch and books, and was on her way.

she let out a laugh of pure joy as she ran through the snow. she's always had a talent for seeing so much in little things.

she looked up at the pale blue sky that seemed to compliment the snow on the ground. she smiled widely, and just kept running and running.

through all of the running, y/n somehow managed to misstep and trip over her own foot.

with a loud gasp, she fell face first into the cold snow. y/n sat up and saw someone running towards her.

"you okay?" the person called out. y/n pushed the snow off of herself, still smiling.

"yeah, i'm great," she laughed. then she tilted her head a bit as she finally recognized who he was.

"oh, hey gilbert! i didn't recognize you for a second, i barely see you in school anymore with all the traveling you did." y/n explained breathlessly. gilbert smiled with a hint of curiosity and nodded.

"yeah, are you sure you're okay?" he asked again. y/n smiled wider and nodded.

"you're y/n, right?" he added.

"yup, see you!" she called as she began to run again. gilbert stared after her.

why haven't i talked to her before? he thought to himself.


y/n finally made it to the schoolhouse, and was relieved to be able to feel warmth again as she stepped inside.

♥️gilbert blythe imagines♥️Where stories live. Discover now