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y/n was sitting in class, her head in her hands.

she looked around, watching everyone else write diligently. then, she looked down at her own slate to see nothing but blankness.

mr. philips had started teaching them french in class. y/n was normally a good student, but this just had her stumped. right now, they were supposed to be writing three sentences in all french. everybody else seemed to be doing perfect, except her.

"five minutes left," mr philips called out from his desk, where he had his feet propped up on the table comfortably. he had his nose in a book, but y/n noticed his eyes flicker onto prissy andrews every once in a while.

y/n sneakily glanced over at diana's slate, who was very fluent in french. she used to take classes in paris.

diana looked up and noticed y/n looking at her sentences. she smiled. "you can do it, y/n." she whispered.

"times up!" mr. philips said as he stood up to take his little stroll around the class to see everybody's work.

y/n let out a loud groan and let her head fall into her arms.


school had just been dismissed. everybody got up and packed their things in a hurry to go home. just as y/n made her way to the door to leave, mr. philips called out to her.

"y/n, can you come here for a second?"

she let out a sigh before turning on her heels and plastering a fake smile on her face as she walked up to mr. philips' desk.

"yes, sir?"

"your french today was dismal." he replied without hesitation, twirling a pen in his fingers. y/n looked at the ground and laughed slightly at his bluntness.

"forgive me sir. forgive me for not being fluent in a different language, after only a few days of studying it." she replied, still smiling and cocking her head slightly. mr. philips rolled his eyes.

"you obviously need to work on it more. why don't you ask diana for help? i believe she studied in paris, and is excellent at french, as she's showed in today's class."

"fine." y/n said. she turned around quick, and made her way to the door.

"i'll help her!"

y/n stopped in her tracks and turned around to see a desperate-looking gilbert blythe staring at her.

"sorry?" y/n said, scoffing slightly.

"um... i'll help you. if it's okay with you, of course. i think it would be fun." he insisted, looking at mr. philips and then back to y/n.

"alright then. that's a better plan; diana has already left anyway. so hurry on home with gilbert and i'll send word to your parents that you've gone with him for extra lessons." mr. philips said, shooing them away with his hand. y/n let out a heavy sigh and turned around quickly to walk out the door, this time without interruption. gilbert ran to catch up with her.

"i'm sorry if you wanted to be with diana... but i think this is a great chance to become better friends." gilbert said, walking very fast and speaking fast too.

y/n looked at him and smiled a bit. her and gilbert used to be best friends when they were younger, but began to grow apart as they grew older. they still talked, of course, but it wasn't the same. they weren't as close.

"it's fine, gilbert. it'll be like the old days, right?"

gilbert looked at her and smiled big.



gilbert and y/n talked and laughed the whole walk to his house. gilbert pointed at different things along the way and told her what they were in french, to get a head start on the lesson.

"fleur," he said, pointing at a flower. y/n nodded.

"arbre," he pointed at a tree. y/n looked up and smiled at the leaves waving at her in the wind.

gilbert looked around for more things to translate. "ooh, i have one." he piped up. "belle," he said, pointing at y/n. she raised an eyebrow.

"what does that mean?" she asked. gilbert smiled and shook his head at the ground.

"it means beautiful."


they made it to the outside of gilbert's house, where he suddenly entwined his hand with hers. she looked at him, confused. but instead of giving her an explanation, he smiled softly and winked. y/n's cheeks turned pink.

he brought her up to his room, where he went to his drawer and dug out a book. he handed it to her. on the cover, it said, "french to english dictionary".

"i'll say a few sentences in french. i want you to look them up in the dictionary and tell me what it means in english. this will strengthen your understanding of french." he explained, and took her hand once again to lead her to his bed so they could sit down. she felt tingles erupt everywhere.

"okay... let's start." he said. y/n nodded and opened the book, readying herself.

"comment vas-tu?"

y/n flipped through the book. "how... are you?" gilbert nodded and smiled.

"tu es beau aujourd'hui,"

y/n's cheeks, once again, turned red as she found the meaning.

"you look nice today."

gilbert smiled at her. his eyes trailed off to a loose strand of her hair. he reached up and tucked it behind y/n's ear. his hand lingered lovingly on her face, thumb slightly rubbing her cheek. his eyes met hers.

"next sentence," gilbert said suddenly, smiling. his hand retreated back to his side. y/n looked down quickly to hide her pink cheeks.

"je t'aime, princesse."

y/n flipped through the pages. when she found the translation, her eyes went wide. she looked back up at a smirking gilbert, who she noticed was starting to lean in slightly. he took the liberty of saying the translation for her:

"i love you, princess."

(a/n) hope you enjoyed :)

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