Chapter 1

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It isn't a big mall. It certainly wasn't one of the famous ones you hear about. The city in which it is located isn't some tourist destination or a big metropolitan center of commerce. It is just a local mid-size mall inside a city where most people would just pass through. But it's a mall that Meagan goes to work every day.

Megan's car pulls up to a stop in one of the parking spots that were some distance away from the mall's entrance. She puts her sunglasses on as she exits her car to fight of the somewhat bright glare. Her brunette hair would hang down to her shoulders if it wasn't tied into a ponytail. She slung her purse over her shoulder, testing the weight of it, crossed her arms at her stomach as she briskly walked to the entrance.

It's a quiet morning, as it usually is in most mornings. The sounds of cleaning crews still can be heard as she makes her way to her destination. She pauses for just a moment to look at the various displays in front of one of the many clothing stores the mall has. She shrugs and continues on to her workplace.

She finally gets to her place of business. She kneels down at the gate in front of the store, removes her keys from her pockets, unlocks the gate, and heaves it up with a slight grunt.

As she turned on the fluorescent light of the store she could see well-decorated walls that had various pictures of art prints. There are sections of shelves that have greeting cards, gifts of various size, and other small decorations. Stuffed toy animals hold their own place in the store as well as the scented candles. A push of a button causes the melodious music of modern jazz to softly saturate the air.

Finally, Megan makes it to the back to where her pride of the store awaits her. The many hues of colors of the flower display greeted her as she gazes upon it. The deep crimson red of the roses always brought her joy as they were always the best seller, especially on valentines day or when a husband messed up.

"Hey boss what's up," came a voice with a casual tone.

Megan turns to see her best employee, well her only employee, Nancy come through the store.

Nancy was a good worker, hard-working, dependable, and punctual, all qualities that were rare in this day and age. Her friendly smile greeted every customer when they enter the shop. There were even times Megan had to shoo away teenage boys who were smitten with her.

Megan looks around the shop, "Well, we got to rotate some of the stock over at those little figurines there, and we got that new display for the new cookbook, So let's start with that."

Nancy nods and leaves to complete the tasks set before her.

The morning goes by slowly as the pair prepare the stock before the lunch rush, which may or may not bring customers. Some customers have come and gone with purchases. It always seems to impress Megan as to how they can keep the doors open sometimes, but they manage it somehow. No bad for a late twenty-something owner.

The chime at the entrance goes off with a happy tone, catching Megan's attention to the front of the store. She sees a woman about her age walk in while drinking through a straw from a takeout cup.  The black cap that covered her blonde hair was from one of the local food vendors that sell pretzels and hotdogs. Her bright blue eyes look around the store as she approached Megan. The matching black polo shirt seemed to accentuate her frame.

"Yes ma'am how can I help you today!" Megan asked cheerfully.

"Um, one rose, please," the blonde requests.

"You got it," Megan answers as she hurriedly goes to the flower freezer in the back.

"Uh, can I pay first?" the blonde asks.

"What's that?" Megan asked, caught off guard.

"I would like to pay first If that is ok?" the blonde asks.

Megan shrugs, "Yes of course, right this way."

Megan shows the blonde the way to the counter where the blonde hands her the money for the rose. Megan then proceeds on to the roses and selects one. She then wraps the single rose in cellophane and a red ribbon expertly wrapped. She then walks, smiling, to the blonde and gently hands the single rose to the blonde.

The blonde takes the rose and smiles broadly. She then holds it against her cheek as she closes her eyes. She then smells the rose, inhaling the fragrance of the flower.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate it, thank you!" the blonde joyfully says as she turns to leave the shop. The blonde then turns toward the food court.

Megan, curious about the blonde's reaction, goes to the front of the store and watches the blonde leave. Nancy comes out and stands beside Megan.

"Well what do you make of that?" asked Nancy.

Megan put her hands on her hips and continues to look at the leaving blonde. "I don't know, Nancy, but am getting hungry so I'm going to get some lunch."

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