Chapter 9

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It started raining hard that evening. Megan sits at her kitchen counter impatiently tapping her fingers on the counter. She wonders if she was doing the right thing, telling Lisa to come to her apartment if he hits her again. She should have told her to come to her home that very instant, but she knew that Lisa would resist the idea.

Megan goes to the window, watching the rain fall harder. She stares intently into the distance hoping maybe she will see some evidence that Lisa is coming.

"Lisa I hope you are ok," says Megan to herself.

Megan was beginning to doubt her plan, so much could go wrong. Lisa might not show, he might not show, or he could catch her before she got here. This was looking to be a foolhardy plan at best.

Suddenly there was urgent knocking on the door. Megan scrambles to answer it, opening the door to a very wet, and disheveled looking Lisa. Megan pulls Lisa in and begins to shower her with quick kisses on her face.

"Hey, I miss you too," Lisa says as she parts from Megan.

"Sorry, I was so worried, I thought something bad had happened," Megan says as she hugs Lisa tightly.

"Well, he hit me for the last time, I left him when he was sleeping so we have time to get out of here before he comes," says Lisa.


"What!?" asks a surprised Lisa.

"We are not running in fear of him anymore Lisa, it ends here tonight, one way or another," Megan says grimly.

Lisa looks at Megan wide-eyed, "I will be the end of us if he gets here, We got to go!"

Megan goes and grabs a chair from the dining table set, and jams it under the doorknob of the front door. Lisa looks around worriedly, fidgeting about as she watches Megan. Megan takes Lisa by the hand and leads her to the bathroom as she smiles.

"Don't worry about him, right now let's get you out of these wet clothes and into a hot shower," Insists Megan.

"But Megan..." Lisa tries to protest.

Megan places a finger on Lisa's lips, "Lisa, I don't know what is going to happen, but right now I just want to be here with you ok?"

Lisa lowers her head, "Ok Megan, I'm with you until the end."

Megan takes Lisa's wet clothes and brings her a change of clothes from her dresser. She stops to gaze at Lisa's nude form as she showers. Lisa turns and catches her gaze and smiles, motioning Megan to join her.

"When this is all over, I won't let any opportunity pass again, but for now I'll have to pass," Megan says as she strokes Lisa's cheek.

Megan goes into the bedroom closet and brings out her purchase from the sporting goods store, an aluminum bat, and places it on the bed. Lisa finally enters the bedroom and sees the bat on the bed.

"Is that your big plan Megan?" asks Lisa as she dries her hair.

"Part of it, the other part is up to you," Megan says as she hands a phone to Lisa.

"What's this for?" asks Lisa.

"When the crap starts to happen, call the police, the very instant, then hide in the closet, got it?" instructs Megan.

Lisa nods as she takes the phone.

"Now all we need to do is wait," Megan says as she sits on the bed.

Lisa sits beside Megan. She then slowly leans her head on Megan's shoulder.

"Thank you, Megan," she says.

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