Chapter 3

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It has been some time since Megan first introduced herself to Lisa. Megan didn't get to see Lisa very often though it wasn't for the lack of trying. It seemed every time Megan saw Lisa pass the front of the store they were swamped by the unusual influx of customers. Megan just simply couldn't get away, which bothered her since she made a new friend and didn't want to seem snobbish. She had just about given up hope.

That is until the entrance chime sounded its happy tone.

Megan turns around and is greeted by a smiling Lisa.

"Hey Megan, are you too busy for another rose order?" asks Lisa.

Megan breaks into a smile, "For you, I'm never too busy, Do you still want to pay first?"

"Yes, If that is still ok?" replies Lisa.

Megan takes Lisa's payment the same as before and she then happily brought the single rose to Lisa.

Megan rests her elbows on the counter with her head supported by her hands as she watches the spectacle unfolding in front of her. Lisa's eyes close as she holds the rose to her chest. She bends her head and inhaled the fragrance of the rose. Lisa held the rose as if it was an inestimable treasure. She then slowly opens her eyes and smiles at Megan.

"Thank you, Megan, I really appreciate it," she says as she slowly turns to leave the store.

Megan watches the blonde leave and turns toward the food court. She exits the store but stops at the front, just watching Lisa leave. As she watches, she had her hands in her pocket messing with her keys. Nancy walks out and stands beside Megan with her hands on her hips.

"Stop that Megan," Says Nancy.

Megan looks at Nancy with a bewildered look, "Stop what?"

"Stop talking yourself out of asking her out, for one thing, You always play with your keys when you have doubts about something, Go on and ask her out," urged Nancy.

"But I don't know if I'm ready to have any type of relationship right now," countered Megan.

Nancy looks hard at Megan, steps behind her and pushes her gently but firmly forward.

"Then ask her out as a friend, then who knows what will happen, but you will regret it if you don't," Nancy pressed.

"You know, we are going to have a talk about how the relationship between employer and employee supposed to work when I get back!" Megan says as she briskly walks down the busy walkway.

Megan hurries down the lane looking for Lisa. She spots the black cap of Lisa's uniform bobbing up and down in a sea of people.

"Lisa! Hey Lisa!" Megan calls out while waving her arm.

Lisa turns bewilderedly around at the sound of Megan's call. Her eyes light up when she spots Megan. She smiles, waves and makes her way back to Megan.

"Hey, Megan, what's up?" Lisa asks.

Megan stands silent for a moment, trying to figure out the right words to say.

"Um, I was wondering, do you think you would like to lunch with me, I always eat alone so I maybe want to change that and eat with a friend," Megan asks.

Lisa gets a thoughtful look, "Well, I usually get lunch at two since it's after the lunch rush, is that ok for you?"

Megan felt her heart jump a little.

"Oh yeah, that will be a good time for me," Megan managed to calmly say.

Lisa smiles, "Cool, I'll see you then."

On the way back, Megan was on a happy high, but some apprehension began to surface in her mind. Did she really want this? Dare she hope that maybe she had a chance for some happiness? Can she juggle a relationship while owning a store?

Megan looks back toward the food court while standing in front of the shop. Hearing Nancy call her into the store snapped Megan out of her internal thoughts. Megan smiling, enters to help her employee, and await the promised lunch hour.

Two o'clock found the pair inside one of the restaurants. They sit in one of the corner spots that have soft lighting. Something catches Megan's eye as she looks at Lisa's face.

"Lisa, what's that on your face, on your cheek?" asks Megan.

Lisa's eyes widen as she puts her hand on her face.

"Oh, uh I did that when I slipped at home," explains Lisa.

Megan somehow wasn't convinced, but she didn't want to call her on it, not now anyway.

"Well, um, be more careful ok? I don't want to worry about you alright?" Megan requested.

Lisa looks down at the table, "Ok I promise to be more careful."

"Can I see your phone?" Megan asks.

Lisa looks at Megan with apprehension, "Why?"

"I want to put my contact information on your phone, so give," Says Megan.

Lisa shakes her head as she hands over her phone, "Hey put mine in yours too while you're at it."

"Already on it," says Megan, smiling.

The food soon arrived and the couple was soon enjoying their meal.

"Lisa, I hate to ask again, but why the reaction to the rose? Megan asks.

Lisa looks down at the table, her eyes finally looking up at Megan.

"Because...I never got roses before, and I wanted to know what it felt like to get them," confesses Lisa.

"You mean your boyfriend never gave you flowers?" Megan asks.

Lisa looks at Megan with hurt in her eyes, "No, He never did."

Megan thoughts drift back to that evening where she witnessed the boyfriend berate Lisa in his car, and then to the present with Lisa's face.

"Lisa, I know that we don't know each other very well but, your boyfriend seems to treat you very rough, I believe that it isn't love for someone to treat others that way," Megan says quietly.

Lisa happy eyes turn cold at that moment, "And what do you know of love?"

Megan was stunned to silence.

"Let me guess, you want to save me from the big bad boyfriend right?" sneers Lisa.

"No, It's not like that, I'm just worried for you that's all," explains Megan.

Lisa gets up from the table, "Look, I don't need a protector alright?"

Megan rises from her chair, "Lisa, please, I didn't mean to upset you, just sit down ok?"

Lisa looks at Megan as she continues to stand, tears starting to form, "You don't understand, I got nowhere else to go, Megan, I'm stuck where I'm at!"

"But it doesn't have to be like that," explains Megan.

Lisa tears up more, "Look I have to go now!" she snapped as she turned away to leave the restaurant.

Megan gets up to follow," Lisa wait, please don't leave!"

Lisa was deaf to Megan's pleas. She left her standing in the restaurant. Megan left the restaurant and slowly walks around the edge of the food court, avoiding Lisa's place where she works. If Lisa wants to be left alone then that is what she will get.

But why is Megan's heart in so much pain now?

Megan makes it to the bench that is located at the front of the store, where she sat down with her face in her hands. Nancy, who sees her from the store, goes out and check on her boss.

"That bad huh?" asks Nancy.

"I pushed the boyfriend issue too far, Now she probably hates me now, I got another problem Nancy, I big one," laments Megan.

"What's that?"

"I think I love her, and I don't know what to do about it."

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