Chapter 8

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It was some time since that night in Megan's apartment. The couple has been on top of keeping a low profile on their relationship. Megan and her employee, Nancy start the day as normal.

The entrance chime sounds off. Megan turns and smiles at the sight of Lisa happily walking in the shop. She promptly takes Lisa's hand and walks toward the stockroom at the back.

"Hey Nancy, I'm going on a quick break," says Megan.

"Right, boss see you later," Nancy replies.

The couple enters the dark stock room, Megan takes a seat in a waiting chair as Lisa takes a seat in Megan's lap with her arm around Megan. Megan smiles as she reaches behind her and pulls a rose from a waiting box and hands it to Lisa.

Lisa smiles as she smells the flower while looking at Megan. She then runs the head of the rose along the side of Megan's face. Lisa leans in to kiss Megan gently. Megan runs her fingers through the hair on the side of Lisa's head.

Suddenly Lisa finches in pain. Megan, concerned, moves some of the hair back, revealing a bruise, a bad one at that.

"Lisa, what's this?" Megan asks worriedly.

Lisa gets off of Megan's lap as she readjusted her hair to hide the bruise again," It... It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Megan rises up from her chair, " That is nothing my ass, That is a serious injury there, maybe you should get that checked out."

Lisa shakes her head, "I said it's nothing so just stop ok?"

Megan's eyes narrow as she looks a Lisa,"But Lisa this is getting bad, really bad, I'm worried that one day he won't just stop with one bruise, he may even kill you."

Lisa looks down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with Megan.

"It will be fine, I'll see you at lunch ok?" Lisa asks.

Megan looks away, "I don't know, maybe, got a big promotion going on today, might be busy today."

Lisa had a hurt look on her face, "Oh, ok, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

Megan still avoiding eye contact, "Yeah, tomorrow."

Lisa walks over to the exit of the room, stops, and looks over at Megan who still has her back to her, "Everything will be ok Megan, I promise."

"I hope so Lisa, I really do hope so," Megan says as she turns away and goes deeper in the stock room.

Later on, at the end of the day, Megan heads toward the exit. She spots Lisa up ahead but doesn't rush up to her. She just didn't feel like dealing with her right then. She suddenly had the urge to rush to the ladies room that was some ways down the hall to the right of the main lane.

"Stupid burritos! Shouldn't have eaten those things!" she thought as she ran.

Inside the restroom, after she took care of business she was about to exit the stall when she heard the restroom door open and someone running in. The heavy breathing she heard indicated that whoever was in a state of panic. Megan slinks back to the other end of the stall, keeping quiet.

She hears the door open again, followed by heavy footsteps.

"You're not supposed to be in here," came a familiar voice.

Lisa! The voice belongs to Lisa!

Megan hears laughter the chills her to the bone.

"You of all people know I go wherever I want," says a gruff male voice.

Jason, Lisa's boyfriend belong to that voice.

"Now we are not finished talking Lisa," says Jason.

"I said I was leaving you! And you can't do anything about it," Lisa can be heard saying.

"Oh really, did you forget one detail, I own you!"

"You do not own me! You are noth-"

A dull thump could be heard.

Megan sees Lisa's feet and calves on the floor as it seems Lisa lands on her knees. Coughing could be heard followed by some labored breathing.

"Now why did you go and make me do that, You and your smart mouth huh? Just couldn't keep quiet," the gruff voice says.

The heavy footsteps could be heard getting closer.

"Do you remember what I told you? Hmm? Well, do you? I told you that if you decided to run from me that I would pay your little girlfriend a little visit and have some fun with her remember? you!"

"Yes," Lisa painfully cries.

Megan put her hand up to her mouth. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Lisa was staying in the abusive protect her!

The stalls shake suddenly, scaring Megan back to reality.

"You know maybe I will visit her anyway," says Jason as he menacingly laughs.

"Don't you touch her!" hissed Lisa, "If you lay a hand on her I swear I'll ..."

"You what? Fight me? You already have a calling card of the last time you tried," hissed Jason, "Do you need another reminder?"

"No, please..."

Another dull thump was heard. Lisa is heard grunting and then coughing.

"Now you play nice, or I will play nice with little Megan," says Jason.

The heavy footsteps sound fainter as they walk off and the sound of the door open and closing could be heard.

Megan exits the stall, finds Lisa on the floor in a prone position.

"Lisa! I'm so sorry, so very sorry I didn't know, I'm sorry I should have come out to help you!" Megan sadly says.

Lisa grabs Megan and slowly stands up, "If you had, you would be on the floor right next to me, you did right to stay hidden."

"But why Lisa? Why would you take the beating to protect me?" cries Megan.

"Because...I love you Megan and I don't want you to suffer as I have," Says Lisa.

Megan embraces Lisa tightly. Lisa expression turn to anguish as if she was letting out a silent scream, she let's out a low whine as she clings to Megan.

"Lisa, I want you to promise me that you will come to my apartment if he hits you again, no excuses, you got that?" Megan insists.

"But he said..."

"I know what he said, and I'm counting on it," Megan says.

Lisa looks down, her forehead touching Meagan's, "Ok, but I'm scared Megan."

"I know sweetheart, I am too, but I got a plan, I'm going to the sporting goods store on the way home."


"My dad always said if I'm about to get into a fight with someone who is bigger than me I better get  an equalizer," Megan's voice gets colder, "I'm getting an equalizer."

As they left for their respective cars, storm clouds were beginning to gather in the skies overhead.

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