Chapter 10

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Megan steps away from the ruined front door. She just finished speaking to the property manager of the apartment complex. She sits in the remaining chair that was left of the dining set.

She was going through last nights events in her mind. She thought she would put up more of a fight, that she wouldn't need rescuing from Lisa. But she was glad that Lisa was there and that Lisa overcame her own fear of the man that tormented her for so long.

Megan sees Lisa come in from the hallway, stepping over what was left of the dining table.

"Talked to the property manager, she said they will fix the doors for us at no charge on account what we have been through," says Megan.

"Oh that's nice of them," Lisa replies.

Lisa straddles Megan's legs as she sits on Megan's lap. She hangs her arms on the brunette's shoulders as she looks into her eyes. Megan places her hand on Lisa's hips, hooking her thumbs into the belt loops of the denim shorts.

"So... What shall we do now?" asks Lisa whit her head close to Megan's

Megan gives a quick kiss on Lisa's lips, "I guess we clean up, then let's go out tonight."

Lisa reluctantly gets up off of Megan's lap and heads to the bedroom at the back of the apartment. Megan stands and begins to clean up the destroyed chair that was behind the door. She then transports it back to the trash hopper in the back of the apartment complex. She enters to find Lisa standing in the living room with her hands behind her, smiling.

"What's up, Lisa?" asks Megan.

Lisa produces a set of keys, apparently dropped by Jason during Lisa's assault.

"Are those the keys that go to the storage?" Megan asks.

Lisa smiles as she nods, "Yes!" Lisa joyfully replies.

The Duo soon appears at the storage unit at the other end of town. Lisa tries key after key in the lock on the unit. Soon, the lock pops open, and they lift the overhead door, revealing boxes and boxes inside. Lisa digs a little, finds a large cardboard box, and carries it to Megan's car.

"That the only box that belongs to me, let's go," she happily says.

Megan lets a sly grin out, she tosses Jason's keys into the unit, closes and locks the door.

Back at the apartment, Lisa goes through the box. She pulls some stuffed animals, some clothes, and a few pictures. She lets out a happy gasp as she pulls out a little wooden box with a small keyhole. She reaches into her own pocket and pulls out a small key on a chain.

Megan stands behind the kitchen counter watching the spectacle unfold as Lisa unlocks the box. Lisa looks up at Megan with elation in her eyes.

"They're here Megan, All of the rings my mother and my grandmother left behind.

Lisa turns her attention back to the interior of the little wooden box. Megan turns her attention to the pile of dirty dishes that were left two days ago. Megan was lost in thought as she started in on the glasses. she felt that something was watching her. She turns her head and jumps at the unexpectant sight of Lisa standing beside her, looking at her with a broad smile.

"Um. Megan, Do you think that you would maybe... Ohh shoot didn't think it would be this hard!" says Lisa.

Megan turns her body toward Lisa, with one hand on her hip and the other on the counter, "Lisa you ok?"

Lisa looks at Megan wide-eyed, "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine I just gotta ask you something that's all."

Megan looks at Lisa with a puzzled expression, "Well?"

Lisa scratched the back of her head, "It's just that you did so much for me... Um so will you.. Damn!"

Lisa suddenly takes Megan's hand and slaps a ring in the palm of her hand. Megan looks at the ring with a raised eyebrow.

"Wait a minute, Are you saying you want to marry me?" Megan asks.

Lisa grins broadly as she shakes with happiness, "Yes?" she says uncertainly.



"Uh...  yeah, YES!" screams Megan.

Lisa squeals as she flings herself on Megan's neck, kissing her deeply. she then pulls off and grabs Megan's hands and pulls her toward the hallway.

"Where are we going?' Megan asks worriedly.

"To the bathroom, you still owe me for one shower," she giggles.

Lisa then gently pulls Megan into the bathroom, kisses her as the door closes behind them.

The End: Thanks for reading!

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