Chapter 7

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Megan wakes to another sunlit room. The sight that she sees first is Lisa sleeping, and this time she is snoring. Megan was beginning to regret not getting more intimate with her the previous night. The previous day's activities and the long drive back wore both of them out to the point that both collapsed into a deep sleep.

Megan smiles as she places her hand on Lisa's cheek. Lisa opens her eyes to Megan's touch and smiles. Lisa reaches up and places her hand behind Megan's head, and rises to kiss Megan, who returns her affections.

"Sorry that I fell asleep on you, I was so tired from yesterday," says Lisa.

Megan looks at Lisa with gentle eyes," Is ok, I was worn out too."

Lisa looks away with a morose look on her face.

"Lisa, what's wrong? Megan asks.

"Megan, you know I have to go back, don't you?" Lisa inquired.


"Yeah, back to him."

Megan's heart sank at the thought. She hated that Lisa was going back. Going back to that monster! She had to think of a way to get her away from him, but how?

"Is there anything, and I mean anything, that I can do to get you away from him and get you here, with me?" Megan asks.

Lisa looks at Megan with grateful, but sad eyes, "No, nothing that I know of, nothing right now anyway, I still need that box so I can go forward."

"But the thought of you with that... that... monster!" Megan laments, "I just can't bear it."

Lisa sits up and pulls Megan's head close to hers, meeting her eyes with her own, "But you must, for me, can you?"

Megan breaks her gaze, " For you, I can try, but it won't be easy for me."

Lisa kisses Megan again, "Thank you, and don't you worry, we will figure something out and I will be with you somehow."

Megan wanted to change the subject for now. She turned away and got to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. She kept her head facing away from Lisa in an effort to hide her face so Lisa wouldn't see her pain. It took some effort to say anything to Lisa.

"You hungry? I'll fix you some breakfast."

Lisa rises and embraces Megan from behind as she kneels on the bed. Lisa's head rests on Megan's shoulder as it presses up against her head.

"Are you ok?" asks Lisa.

"No, but I will be," replies Megan.

"We still have today, let's not waste it by worrying about tomorrow, ok?" Lisa suggests.

Meagan raises her hand to Lisa's head and presses it tighter to her own head, "You're right, what do you want to do today?"

"How about the local museum?" asks Lisa.

"Museum huh?"

"Yeah, a museum, the fancy fine art kind," Lisa suggests.

Megan smiles, "But I already have a work of art right here."

'Aww that's sweet of you, but come on let's go," Lisa requests.

"Ok, ok, we'll go," Megan relents.

The duo goes to the vast complex that was the art museum. The displays of various eras of art dazzled the eyes of both Megan and Lisa. The museum also had a cafe where museum patrons could have lunch and that's where the couple decided to have lunch as well.

The cafe was on the second floor of the main building. It had a balcony section that overlooked the sculpture garden in the museum's courtyard. The couple opted for a table that was sitting underneath the canopy that was rippling in the light breeze.

Lisa clasps her hand in front of her as she looks over the courtyard with various sculptures dotted about it.

"Megan, we got to discuss some ground rules when we are in the public eye," says Lisa.

"What do you mean?" asks Megan.

"It is to protect you and us, Megan if Jason finds out before its time..." Lisa locks her eyes with Megan's, " It could cause a lot of crap to happen, and I don't want you to be in danger ok?"

"I get what you're saying Lisa, but I won't be ashamed of us." Megan protests.

"It's not about being ashamed, it's about timing If he finds out about us, he could throw me out and I will lose those heirlooms forever," Lisa whispers.

Megan looks wide-eyed at Lisa.

"And I'm still worried what he might do, not so much to me," Lisa looks away, "But to you."

Lisa suddenly grasps ahold of Megan's hand, "And I will not let him hurt you as he has hurt me, I'd rather die first!"

Megan shakes her head, "Ok, what do you suggest?"

"We act the same as before, no public displays of affection," says Lisa.

Megan was hurt a little, but she got what Lisa was trying to say.

"So no affection, ever?" Megan worriedly asks.

"Not in crowded, public places, like the mall," Lisa starts to smile," but in private areas, say like your store's stockroom, then you can get all the affection you want."

Megan lets a little smile show, "But I don't like sneaking around."

"I know, but it's just for a little while until I can get those stupid keys ok?" Lisa reassures, "It's not the perfect plan, but its the only one I got."

Megan's expression turns darkly sour, " I swear Lisa if he hurts you I will.."

"You don't have to worry about that, so long as we are smart about this," Lisa reassures again.

Megan looks over the sculpture garden, "I think that your safety is more important to me than your heirlooms Lisa, but if you need them that bad, I guess I will do what I can to help."

Lisa gets up happily and puts both of her hands toward Megan, who takes them.

"Come on Megan, let's go back to your place and cuddle while watching old movies," suggest Lisa.

Sometime later the pair were in a cuddle position on Megan's sofa at the apartment. An old pirate movie plays out on the television.  Lisa wrapped herself in Megan's arms as her head rests on the brunette's shoulders.

Suddenly Lisa gets up to place herself behind Megan.

"Everything ok?" Megan asks in a surprised tone.

"Yeah just wanted to cuddle you for a change," giggles Lisa.

Lisa pulls the sheet that was at the end of the sofa over the pair. Megan smiles as she rests her head on Lisa. It seemed the perfect end for the weekend.

That is until Lisa gets a sly look on her face. Megan's serene expression changes suddenly as she looks back at Lisa's smiling face.

"Lisa, what are you...(gasp)," Megan starts.

Megan leans her head back on Lisa's shoulders with a low moan. Lisa nibbles on Megan's ear as unseen movements under the sheet continue.

"I'm making this last night a memorable one sweetheart," whispers Lisa.

Megan turns her head and passionately kisses Lisa as her body suddenly shutters, with her hand behind the blonde's head. Megan then turns her body toward Lisa and does some movements of her own. Lisa smiling face changed as Megan's hand explored the unseen areas of Lisa. Lisa's closed eyes and partly open mouth showed the pleasure that she was experiencing at Megan's hands.

"Meg... Uhh yeah," was all Lisa could muster when her body tightens as she collapses in Megan's arms.

Lisa again wraps herself in Megan's arms, smiling as she does.

Megan kisses Lisa on her forehead, "You're right, it will be a memorable night," she says as she drifts to sleep.

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