Chapter 6

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Megan wakes to the morning light sneaking in through the blinds of her bedroom. As she starts to stretch her arms out she feels an unexpected weight sensation around her waist. She slowly lifted the blanket and looked wide-eyed at the unfamiliar arm draped over her. She then cautiously, slowly, and very quietly looks over her shoulder. She sees the blonde hair on top of the sleeping Lisa's head.

" is spooning her sleep!" is the thought that passes through her mind.

Megan was at a loss as to what to do. Should she wake Lisa? Megan dismissed that thought outright. Can she at least turn herself around? Megan wasn't sure if she could without waking Lisa. Megan opts to just lay quietly. She gently runs her fingertips along Lisa's arm, as gently as she can as not to wake Lisa. Megan smiles to herself as she was enjoying the sensation of Lisa's arm wrapped around her.

Lisa moans softly, which scares Megan into lying still with eyes closed. She holds her breath as Lisa adjusts her position. Megan decides to try to turn over. She lays first on her stomach then slowly to the other side, so Lisa's arm would stay draped around her waist.

Megan is now facing Lisa. She looks upon the sleeping blonde with quiet elation. She gazes at Lisa's hair, even in its bedhead state, it looks beautiful. She then studies Lisa's facial features, memorizing them to the most intimate detail.

Lisa softy moans and her head gets closer to Megan's chest. Megan's eyes widen as she freezes in place. Her heart races at an accelerated rate. It was as if her heart was about to explode out of her chest.

Lisa's eyes open at last. Her eyes look around and come to the point where her head is resting on Megan's chest. Lisa gasps as she quickly sits up, covers her head, and then lays down completely covered by the blanket.

"Sorry," came a muffled voice from under the blanket.

Megan laughs a little despite herself, "Its alright Lisa,"

Lisa remains under the blanket.

Megan leans close to where Lisa's head is, "Hey, are you hungry?"

"Uh-huh," comes a muffled answer.

"Eggs ok?" asks Megan.


"Bacon or sausage patties?"

"Sausage, please."

Megan gently pulls the blanket off of Lisa's head, "Coffee or orange juice?."

Lisa turns and looks at Megan with a smile, "Orange juice if it's no trouble."

Megan smiles, "Of course its no trouble, it would be my pleasure."

Lisa emerges from the hallway as Megan prepares breakfast. She sits sleepily eyed at the table, with her hand in between her knees. Megan happily places breakfast with orange juice in front of her.

"Morning Lisa," she says.

Lisa didn't reply, she just sits for a moment, smiles a little, and begins to eat. Megan returns with her own plate and sits across from her.

"So what do want to do today?" Megan asks as she begins to eat her breakfast.

Lisa looks down as she eats, shrugs her shoulders, and manages a weak "I don't know."

Megan looks around her apartment, trying to bring to mind something the duo can do. Her eyes light up as she snaps her fingers, catching Lisa's attention. "I got it!" she says.

"What?" Lisa inquires.

"There's that aquarium in that big city to the north, Why don't we go check it out?" Megan suggests.

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