|6| You

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    Credit to honmushie on tumblr to the picture above.

My sight was off the group by then when I hear Andrew gasp quietly. I look at him quickly to see him staring out at the red group. I go to turn my self to look at the figure again but as my eyes shifted slowly and my eyes located them. Time froze the world around me became fuzzy but the they were the only one I saw. I was standing on my knees behind a chipped and broken pillar pecking around it to see a....

                            a nightmare


I had many secrets and we know secrets are meant to be quiet not know to anyone. I keep to many from the other two if they new things that I did they would think different. There thoughts about me would change into something I wouldn't want. That's why I build walls so no one would get hurt even if it hurt myself. Yes they may know about MT but not the other two. My group haves my trust and haven't told anyone or have spoken of him not one word.

Now before even all this mess happened back when even that commie was still with us I still had secrets like family and me mentally. I didn't have MT back then but that's what I thought. Though after that commie bastard left one of our adventurers led to MT coming out. Which is a story for another time.

Now the commie he always annoyed me. I hated his guts I still do with a passion of hatred. Just seeing him made a click flicker in my head and I new MT was larking close by. MT new the hatred I had for the commie bastard so dose the commie himself. I even bet the commie did that to give us a scare even if he new the three of us were the leaders or not.

  I was still staring at him so many emotions flicking through my black eyes. Shock, anger, rage, and confusion. He did look different half of his face had lots of cuts and scars and was tinted a light pink. It looked old and healed a bit and on the same side he had a black eyepatch.

  It was quite still. Andrew was staring at me in questioning what the look was about. I didn't give him an answer. The commie still stood there with the same smirk. He knew something. I knew what it was but before I could say anything my shoulder was grabbed. I was forced around and pushed up against the pillar but I was to quick and grabbed the solders arm in a tight grip with my right arm and my left swiftly grabbed my pistol and aimed it at his leg and shot.

  We were already making to much noises from my other soldiers who were also fighting so I shot. I spoke in my earpiece quickly. "All soldiers retreat we are out numbered y'all know what to do!" I say as I see my soldiers run in to the forest after they handled some of the enemy soldiers. Me and Andrew were unlucky and was surrounded. "This is not a good day for me. Ready?" I say with a sigh as I ready my pistol. "Heh nope" Andrew says as he is ready with his gun locked and loaded. I laugh and point my gun at a soldier and say "Ya me neither" then I shoot.

  We make our way out of the circle and run out behind the building sense there was a huge hole there and run into the forest. I look behind us and see that there following us. "There following us like expected." I say to Andrew we run into the forest to get them lost sense we know theses woods so it's easy for us to know where we're at.

  We know not to go to the base in tell your hundred percent sure your not followed. "We need to split up I'll meet you there." I say with out looking at him. Shock is shown on his face and then anger as Andrew says. "What!? No! There leader is still out there if they get you....you know what will happen to you if they do." He yells hesitant.

  I frown at that last part I do know but I can handle myself. "Andrew thats an order I will be fine. I will meet you there. Now go!" I yell the last part. Andrew hesitates then he runs away from me turning in a different direction.

  I keep running straight for a minute as I put my gun back in the holster then I suddenly swerve between trees turning left and right quickly to fast for the soldiers to understand where I went I completely lose them. I stop and turn around to look for anyone as I crouch and place my hands on my knees still standing I try to steady my breathing as I take a minute. Once I've done that I stand straight back up and swiftly turn around where I was running to look around if I new where I was but instead I was met with the commie.

  I force my self not to take a step back which was showing weakness but instead I flinch. He had the same stupid smirk on his same stupid face. Those dark grey eyes stared right back threw my eyes in a tight hold which made me want to look away but I didn't.

  It was silent I opened my mouth to say something but he broke the silence first. "Well isn't this a surprise for the both of us? Old friends meet once again." He say as he tilts his head to the side hands behind his back still keeping eye contact.

  I open my mouth agin to say something but was interrupted agin by the ass. "By the badge your wearing I'm guessing your one of the leaders of the rebellion that I'm trying to eliminate?" I frown in anger and say quickly. "Ya so what if I am? Your the leader of the army that we're trying to take down." I clench my hands into fists trying to keep my anger controlled but failing miserably.

The commies smirk grows bigger if possible and boils my anger more. "I suppose..." he says trailing off as he looks at my fisted hands and the amount of sweat that was slowly dripping down off my face. "He knows" I almost flinch from MT's voice from inside my head but don't. Shit he's much closer than I thought.

The commie looks back in my eyes straightness back up. Forgetting my tense figure and says with a change of voice. "So dose this mean that Edd and Matt are the other two leaders? I mean it dose make sense that Edd would be sense we had that call after the accident." He turned around as his back was facing me. He seems determined to do that with me having a gun. I ask "What the fuck are you talking about?" Taking a small step towards him.

He didn't move. "He did after all sounded really rebellious after I told him there was a missile called to be there. I'm guessing he thought it was us which was no surprise because it was." He says as he shrugs helplessly. "But that's not all..." he says as he suddenly turns around I take a step back from the look on his face.


His face was marked in pure evil and wicked. As he said this next part my face went pale and a look of shock and dread fell upon my face. "He called me to tell me many things mostly every week. He told me everything about the rebellion. You were stupid to not tell them that I was in the army Thomas. He says rolling his eyes then looking back at me. "Anyways do you wanna know what els he told me about?" He questions but not letting me answer with one word I new was coming.


Ok that's all for this chapter yay I actually feel proud about this one. Anyway I have two questions for y'all.
1. TomTord   Yes   No
2. Should MT speak like a funny kinda monster or should be like a rare thing for MT to speak?
Just go comment y'alls answers and what you think about the chapter and go give it a vote I would appreciate it a lot and I will talk to y'all later. BYE!💕

 |Blue Veins| A WTFuture Eddsworld Fanfic (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now