|7| I Can't

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His face was marked in pure evil and wicked. As he said this next part my face went pale and a look of shock and dread fell upon my face. "He called me to tell me many things mostly every week. He told me everything about the rebellion. You were stupid to not tell them that I was in the army Thomas. He says rolling his eyes then looking back at me. "Anyways do you wanna know what els he told me about?" He questions but not letting me answer with one word I new was coming.



Don't react. I did react. Play it cool. This isn't cool. Like I don't know. I do know. All emotion on my face is gone but anger as I hid the fear. It wasn't good for me to be angry in this state, but as I tuck the information I started becoming more and more angry. I needed to leave.

I slowly let my fists unclench and my shoulders still tense not letting my guard down. Determination flowed through my eyes. The commie raised an eyebrow seeing my calm posture. Then I decided to say something. "So he did didn't he?" I paused as I tuck a step towards him. "What did he say? Because I never told him anything." I say forcefully as I narrow my eyes at him. I didn't dare take another step I was already risking to much plus there were only two steps before I would be right in front of him.

  He looked at me questioning then he smirked as he slowly lifted a had...no wait a robot hand which I somehow didn't notice."Oh you know some stuff and other things Thomas." He said and put his robot hand down and back behind his back with his other hand.

I was about to yell at him to tell me what Edd told him. Though the commie suddenly looked up at the sky which was getting darker as the sun went down. He sighed and looked back down at me with the same smirk and said. "Well I think our reunion is over. I do very much wish to talk about other things but it seems late and we both need to get back to our army's." He said as he started to walk away as he brushed by me only an inch from touching shoulders. "This is a good bye tell next time. Thomas."  He said as he walked quickly away in to the forest. I turned around and stood there looking were he left for any clues that he could be near still but fine nothing. I turned around and started to walk to the base knowing where I was in the forest.


  When I got to the base it was already pitch black and I was asked a million questions from my soldiers and Andrew who was shaking my shoulders yelling at me to explain what happened and if I was ok. I shrug his hands off and without saying anything to anyone and went to my room. I wasn't in the mood.

  When I got to my room I sat on my bed and fell back as I covered my eyes with my arm and sighed. He said Edd told him about me. What did that mean? That he new about MT but that wouldn't be possible because only the blue army knows and Sera. They promised they wouldn't say anything and I trust them so I know no one lied.

"What about your oh so sweet Sera?" The same cold voice said. He was still close. I sit up quickly.

No. Sera I've known her for awhile. We found her when a group of red army shoulders were found dead and saw her there taking guns from them. She didn't have clothes like them so we know that she wasn't with them. Though I never questioned it but she did look injured and she couldn't have taken down all of those men by her self.....shit. I hope I'm wrong crap that dose explain everything though. I'm gonna have to talk to her tomorrow and...Edd.

 |Blue Veins| A WTFuture Eddsworld Fanfic (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now