I pull my pants up quick to check the pockets for my phone and then I realize I left it on the bed.Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I quietly press my ear to the door hoping for some sort of sign that the man is gone, but that hope is quickly dashed, when a loud thump on the door knocks me back.
"Yes!" I say in a hopefully steady voice. The gravity of the situation slowly creeping in to my head.
"Tip?" The man says.
I know he's here for me now. You never just ask for a tip. He's just trying to get me to come out. I need a plan. What would Theo fucking do?
"I'll be right there!" I tighten my grip on the pepper spray that was thankfully in my pocket. I flush the toilet and wash my hands in the sink biding my time.
I have at least a good three seconds to blind him, when I yank open the door. That's if he actually makes a move. He might want his tip first though.
A deep inhale and exhale is all I have to calm my nerves as I walk up to the door. I grab the doorknob in my left hand, while the right hand has a firm grip on the pepper spray.
Alright sis, if you can't do this one thing right, just know that Theo will tear that ass up.
That's a good thing though!
Bitch! it's not the time for your shit.
It's go time, K.
I yank the door open and come face to face with the man. His head is slightly bent, so I don't have a straight shot to his eyes.
Act natural.
"I have a couple dollars in my jacket over there." I say with a forced smile that slowly fades as he lifts his head up.
"Boo!" He says with a Cheshire grin. His dirty hands catch ahold of my left arm and pulls me to him.
I raise my right arm quickly and press down on the nozzle, while my knee breaks his nuts. He hits the floor, one hand gripping his nuts and the other rubbing his face, groaning in pain. I snatch my phone off the bed and bolt to the door and book it down the hallway to the elevator.
I'm halfway down the hall when I hear him behind me. I pump my legs even harder noticing the doors are already opening with some people on it.
"HOLD IT!" I yell, startling them. I make it on and Scarface roars in frustration as the elevator door closes just as he reaches me.
"Are you okay, ma'am?" One of the people ask. "No...please call the police! That man...was trying to...kill me." I say catching my breath. He quickly pulls out his cellphone. I pull my own out and call Theo.
"What's wrong?" He immediately asks. Just hearing his voice makes me breathe a sigh of relief.
"They're here, Theo. Scarface was hot on my tail but I lost him. What should I do now?" He curses and I can hear him starting to run.
"Alright, I'm coming. Where are you right now?"
"In a crowded ass elevator." He huffs out a breath but doesn't say anything for a minute.
"Fuck! What floor are you on right now?" I look up at the number of the elevator is passing by now. "We're passing the third floor right now." I say quickly.
"Press the 2nd floor button, now." I press it. "Now when you get off go to room 279. It's going to be at the end of the hall. It's Mark and Erika's room. I'll be there as soon as I can." He hangs up after that and the man who called the police for me taps my shoulder.
"Ma'am, I called the police and they are sending someone out right now." He says with a gentle smile. I smile my thanks to him as I feel the elevator slowing down as we land on the 2nd floor. I quickly hop off the elevator and take off running like Theo told me too.
My fist almost pounds a hole in their door. "What the fuck!—" Mark says yanking the door open. "K!"
The situation at hand should be coming out of my mouth right now but it seems to leave me as I take in what's going on or what was going on. Mark has nothing but boxers on and I spy Erika sitting up in the bed wrapped up in a sheet.
"So, while I was getting chased down by a fucking madman, y'all was in here 'knockin' da boots.' Mark scrunches his face up in confusion. "What are you talking about, K."
"They found us, so we gotta make like Jack and Jill and hit the hill."

My Bodyguard Hates Me
Ficção Geral"So when are we getting to this so-called 'safe' place." I ask his stone faced ass. I'm just trying to get a little conversation going. It is to quiet. The only thing I hear is the car engine and our- well my breathing. His quiet ass. I mean he w...