~The letter~

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It has been a year. A year since Lucina ran out of the party. Nobody had seen her since then. Not even Chrom. In the year a lot has changed. Chrom and Sumia ruled Ylisse as king and queen. Lissa had been living with Robin because he could cheer her up and she just got out of a relationship. But the biggest change was that Robin hardly left his house. He seemed happy towards Lissa but she could swear she heard him cry the first month after Lucina left. Then she used to visit Robin a lot to cheer him up. But now the roles have turned.

Robin was studying his magic books even though it was late in the evening. Someone knocked on his bedroom door. Must be Lissa. "Come in." Robin said. Lissa came inside of the room. Lissa was wearing a nightgown. She looked like she had been crying again. "Robin....." She wanted to say something but couldn't. Robin got up and hugged her. She hugged him back and asked the question. "I know it sounds like I'm a little kid but will you lay next to me until I'm asleep?" Robin nodded. He would do everything to make her feel better. He started to think that maybe Lucina was right. "I'll lay next to you if it makes you feel better." Lissa smiled. "Thank you." They went to Lissa's room. Robin and Lissa quickly fell asleep.

Robin had the weirdest dream ever. He was kissing a girl but every time he looked at her she changed. One second she was Lissa and the next second she was Lucina. Then he saw the both of them. "Who will you choose, Robin?" Robin quickly woke up. Next to him was Lissa. She was sleeping peacefully. Robin got up and quietly walked to the living room.

Before he went into the living room he checked to see if someone wrote him a letter and yes, there was indeed a pigeon. He took the letter and went back inside. On the letter was an L. "Well that's not very nice." Robin filled a glass with water and opened the letter and started reading.

Dear Robin,

It's me, Lucina. I wrote you again because you deserve to know that I'm still alive. Please don't tell my father. He'll start looking for me. He'll find something that will kill him. But he doenst care about that if that's the only way to find me. The only people that can know are you and Lissa. You trust her right? Because if we keep in touch you're going to need a healer.


Robin looked at the letter. He dropped his glass. "Dear God's....."

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