~Memory lane~

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Lissa got out of the kiss. "Robin? What are you doing?" Robin got closer to her. "Lucina was right." He kissed her again. Lissa wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back. She was still crying but now because of happiness.

Robin was afraid he was making a mistake. Something said he should have searched for Lucina. Something in him said she still loved him. But then he remembered every good memory of him and Lissa. His mind stopped at the night Lucina went away. But this time he was thinking about how Lissa was sleeping with her head on his lap.

Lissa let go of Robin. "W-what now?" She asked. Robin smiled. "I don't think a lot is going to change between us. Except now we can kiss each other." Lissa smiled.

A month later
Lissa walked downstairs. Robin looked at her. "Goodmorning!" He kissed her. Lissa smiled but quickly looked worried. "How are we going to tell Chrom?" Robin looked at her a bit confused because he didn't know why she just asked this. "Just focus on the moment." Lissa looked outside. "That's what I'm doing..." Robin looked outside. Chrom was standing outside.

Robin cursed a bit and opened the door. "Chrom! What a surprise!" Chrom walked inside. "Robin, sister. I have important news. It's about Lucina." Robins eyes widened. "What is it?" He asked with a worried voice. "She was found outside of the city in the forrest. She was heavily wounded and her weapons are badly damaged. Her clothing has cuts and holes in them. She was healed quickly. She's still unconscious but she did say something. She just whispered Robin a couple of times. I want you to be there when she wakes up. But just don't tell her about your relationship." Robin nodded.

A week later
"Robin....." Lucina started moving. Robin quickly walked over to her bed. Is this the moment she would wake up? "Robin...." She started crying. "Lucina..?" Robin said. He hoped for an answer. Lucina slowly opened her eyes. "Robin..?" Robin stood there smiling. "You woke up!" Lucina quickly hugged him. She started crying even more. "It's okay.. I'm here." Lucina smiled while crying and hugging him. "I shouldn't have ran away! I shouldn't have!" She cried even more. Robin hugged her even tighter. "I'm here. Just tell me what happened."

After 5 minutes Lucina calmed down and told him the story. "I ran away because I wanted to go back to the future. I wanted to go back because I couldn't let my feelings destroy the future. I... I liked you. But I kept thinking about you and I never found a way back. So I wanted to come back to you but then I saw you kiss Lissa. I freaked out and ran away. Then I got kidnapped by people who... they.... I got... I... I..." She shivered an started crying again. Robin hugged her again. "I'm here..." He wanted to track them down and deliver their heads to Lucina. She didn't deserve this. Nobody did. Lucina looked at him. "I should have stayed... you could have protected me.."

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