~Action and reaction~

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Lissa woke up. She heard glass fall on the floor. She rushed over to the kitchen. "Robin! Are you alright?" She asked. Robin shook his head. "I got a letter. From..." He looked at Lissa. "It's from Lucina."

Robin and Lissa read the letter again and again. After 5 times reading it Lissa laid down on the couch. "We can't do this to Chrom. We need to tell him." Robin looked at her. "Lucina told us we can't!" Lissa looked up. "Okay.... I won't tell him." She laid back on the couch.

Robin decided to send a reply.

Dear Lucina,

It's me, Robin. I got your letter and I am relieved, because we all thought you died. Lissa and I won't tell anyone the secret. I hope you come back home soon. We miss you. We still have a lot to talk about. I really want to see you again.


He gave the letter to the pigeon and waited. A couple days past by and Robin was getting a bit worried. Was Lucina that far away? He sighed. The door opened and Lissa came inside. "Hey Lissa! Where have you......" Robin looked at her. She looked like she was beaten up. "What happened?!?" Robin rushed over to her. "There where villagers.. they weren't happy about Chrom... they weren't happy about him being sad. And when I tried to explain it to them, they did this to me..." Robin hugged her. "Let's go back. Just show me who did this. I'll hit them back." Lissa was crying but still had to laugh. "Thank you Robin." She pulled him closer and kissed him. "I... I'm sorry Robin..." She quickly ran over to her room and went in. Robin stood there confused. He looked out of the window. He saw someone. Someone with blue hair. Lucina? She stood in front of the window but walked away. Robin quickly went outside. It was raining really hard. He looked around. The person with blue hair was gone. "Lucina! Lucina!" He yelled. But there was no response.

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