~Do you love me?~

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Robin stood there. Alone in the rain. He sat on the ground on his knees. "Lucina....." Lissa ran out of the house. "Robin! Get inside! You're going to freeze out here! It's way to cold!" She helped him get up. They went inside and got a towel. "What on earth were you thinking?" Lissa asked worried. "Its just rain Li..." "It's freezing! It's storming! So don't tell me it's just rain!" Lissa looked a bit mad. Robin chuckled. "You make us sound as an old married couple." When he realized what he said he froze. Lissa looked at him. "That's not what I asked!" Robin looked at her. "I though I saw Lucina. But she ran away after we kissed and the last time I saw her she told me she liked me. But she was afraid that I liked you. When I wanted to tell her that I didn't she ran away." Lissa nodded. "So you think that's why she ran away again? I'm sorry." Robin looked at her. "Don't be sorry." Lissa looked at him and started to cry a bit. "But it's my fault she ran away. I should have never kissed you. Because you obviously don't like me. And I was being stupid and if I just didn't...." while Lissa was talking Robin got closer to her and kissed her.

1 hour earlier
Lucina arrived in the town she was a year ago. Robin should be still living here. It was raining really hard. Lucina wanted to surprise him by showing up unexpected. The day she left, she left because she wanted to get over her "silly" crush. She couldn't love Robin because she's from the future. In the time she was gone she couldn't get over the crush and only loved him more because she missed him so much.  When she finally arrived at his home she thought about a romantic meeting or something and them telling to each other how much they missed each other. Lucina thought to herself about how creepy she was at this moment. She shook her head and smiled. Until she looked into the window. She saw Lissa kissing Robin. The first thing that went through her mind was: "They're a couple now..." The kiss felt like an eternity to Lucina. After it was finally over Robin looked at her. Lucina was now crying and quickly ran away. She heard Robin yell her name but ran away as far as possible. She cried more and more. Until she realized she was somewhere in the woods. She looked around but didn't know where she was. Then out of nowhere something hit her on the head and she past out. The last thing she saw was someone walking over to her. He said something. Lucina tried to hear what he said. But then she passed out.

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