Granger's sister | Draco

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What does being the twin sister of Hermione Granger like? Were you another know it all? Were you bullied? Did you have your own golden trio?


You were a Hufflepuff, as kind and as loyal as can be. You can also be very teasing but not mean, unless you wanted to be. You were also honest but very talented at lying.

Having a crush on the infamous bipolar daddy's boy was also a bad thing. Something about him just made you swoon. A little like Pansy. He bullied you though, and the only person who knows about your little secret was your bestfriend, Cedric Diggory. He was the tall quiet one who always listened to you and gave you advice.

Walking down the hall, with your trusty tall companion; Cedric Diggory, you come across the hot headed platinum blondie and glance at him. You quicken your pace, hoping he wouldn't notice you so you- okay, too late.

"Well, if it isn't the know-it-all's twin sister, (Y/N) Granger."

"Leave her alone, Malfoy." Cedric stood up to him.

"I would shut my mouth if I were you, Diggory. Unless you want my father to hear about it." He replies, you could tell that he was offended.

"Please, Malfoy. Just don't." You start. "Oh wait, I should shut mouth. Unless I want your father to hear about it." You add mockingly.

"Ooooo~ feisty! Just like her mudblood sister."

"Oh hell naw! Did he just- did he just?!" You as Cedric. He nods and you lunge at Malfoy but Cedric holds you back.

"I thought Hufflepuff are supposed to be kind? So you're a house traitor, a blood traitor and a mudblood? What a big name you have for yourself!" He teases, you tear up and dash through the hallways, not giving a care whether you'd be late or not.

Cedric frowned and ran after you. Pansy, and Draco's henchman just laughed it off, Draco did too but he felt a little bad.

Time Skip

Snape gave you detention for missing his class. Walking to the dungeons, to his class, you pass the Slytherin Common Room, you heard it open once you did. You turned to glance at the strange.

Oh Merlin

You regretted it.

You saw Draco, in only a towel. You stared at each other, seemingly awkward. You slowly walk backwards without looking away, he didn't look away either as he slowly turned the knob of the door. He immediately dashed inside as you dashed into Snape's class.

Your face was redder then the Weasley's hair or the Gryffindor logo.

Time Skip

You fluttered your eyes open. You stood up and stretched, walking to the bathroom, you take a quick cold shower, brush your teeth and comb your hair. You change into the Hufflepuff uniform and put your robe on. You wait for Cedric in the common room. The homey feeling of it making you feel a little sleepy. Minutes later, Cedric descends from the boy's dorm and walks with you to the great hall.

Sitting on your favorite spot with your one and only bestfriend, you take your favorite food in your plate and slowly consume it. You see Draco sneak out without anyone noticing, well except for you, of course. But he didn't know that. You tell Cedric about him and he hesitates to let you follow him but you convince him eventually. You sneak out of the great hall with the help of Cedric Diggory.

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