The Baby | Oliver Wood

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"It's alright, Oliver. You can go to work. The baby sure isn't coming any time soon! Now go work, it's alright." You assure your husband. You were saddened, because you see, the captain of their team got into a fight with another group, and they have to play quidditch. "Just don't get hurt, love." You add. He sighs.

"What could I do without you, love?"

"Nothing, you could do nothing." You joke. "I love you, dear." You say.

"I love you too."

Time Skip

Oliver left 2 days ago to the place where they're going to play quidditch against the opponent. You had somehow forgotten to ask Oliver where they were going to fight and who they are going to fight.

Your older sister was going to visit with his husband and daughter. They're coming at 6:00 PM and it's already 5:40. You've already finished getting everything ready, with the help of the house elves.

20 minutes later

You heard a knock on the door, you rush over to it, careful not to trip. Your hand eventually lands on the knob and you turn in anxiously. You see your sister, Angelica with her husband, Martin and their daughter, Daisy. Once you've finished greeting them, you lead them to the large Dining Room inside the manor.

There was bowl of candy and another bowl of fruits on one of the tables. Daisy slides beside you and tries to start a conversation.

"So uhm, uhhh. Aunt (Y/N)?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Where's your husband?"

"Oh don't worry about it. He's just at another quidditch game. Not that it's bad but, I'm worried that the baby may come while he's away."

"Ohhh, it's okay Aunt (Y/N)! We're still here for you!"

"That's sweet of you to say, flower." You smile at her. Food was already served and finished, today felt fine. You felt a tug on your shirt.

"May I have one?" Daisy says, pointing to either the bowl of candy or fruit. You walk over the table and point to the candy.

"This one?" You ask, she shakes her head.

"The fruits please?" You tilt your head, kids her age normally would fuzz over candy then fruits. "You sure dear?" You ask and she nods. You smile and hand her a red apple. The conversation goes on until you're both talking about ponies, unicorns and crushes. Eventually, it was time for them to leave. You walk them to the door. You suddenly stopped smiling when you feel a strong, unbearable pain on your stomach.

Time Skip

Time went quickly and the next thing you know, you were in the hospital, waiting for your water to break, sadly without your husband. You mother sits on a chair beside your bed, holding your hand gently as you squeeze it tight.

Your sister, Angelica, takes a piece of parchment from her bag and writes a letter to your husband.

My dearest brother-in-law

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