Berry Punny | Young Sirius

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"Hey (Y/N)" Sirius sat beside you on the bench.

"Hello, Black."

"Okay now that's racist."

"You know what I mean."

"I was just kidding! And why do you always have to be so emotionless without your books? They're boring me stupid."

"From the amount of books I read, I can easily tell you that they hold low information that your tiny brain can handle. If they were living beings, they would be a mountain smarter than you."

"You mouth is too big for your own good."

"Your pride is too."

"A little fight? Can I join?" James asks.

"I dunno. Can you, Potter?" You ask sarcastically. James rolls his eyes and Sirius chuckles.

"Oi Sirius, I just realized your name is ironic." You laugh.

"Oh, do tell." They both say:

"Your name is Sirius but you have trouble being serious. Your last name is Black but you're white." You start. "And for you, Potter. Did your ancestors make pots?"

"I swear, (L/N). Your jokes are both the best and the worst." Sirius says.

"Are you saying that I'm bad at jokes?"

"N-no! I'm just saying that- oh nevermind!"

"And now you don't want to tell me why? Is it because I'm a woman? Or is it because you think of me lowly?"

"Oh Merlin, (L/N). I hate your humor." James speaks up.

"But you love me, right?"

"Yeah, as a little sister!"

"Oh goodness!" You clutch on your shirt pretending to be distressed. "I have just been sister zoned!" You lean on a wall and slowly slide down. "Oh the pain! The agony!"

"Don't worry, (Y/N). There's still someone who loves you." James says dramatically as well.

"And who might that be?"

"Of course! It is the one and only, glorious, Sirius Black." Just as the name comes out of his mouth, Sirius lunges at him.

"Aye, guys! Stop acting like boys and act like the proper lady you two are supposed to be!" You push them apart.

You then see a shine of mischief in Sirius' eyes, he at James and he nods in approval. They turn to you. Oh no, those looks...

You stood up as quickly as you can and dashed through the halls. You heard four pairs of footsteps trailing behind you. You kept running and turned to a corner. You kept turning and turning until they lost track of you. You turn into a dead end, they fortunately couldn't see you. It was dark and unlit. You look at the corners of the other halls, still staying inside your hiding spot. You heard a breath between your neck and your shoulder. You shivered and heard a creepy voice.

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