A Malfoy | Harry Potter

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(Don't play the music yet)
Being Draco Malfoy's baby sister was one thing, and having a crush on the infamous Harry Potter was also another. Just like Draco, you were sorted into Slytherin, Pansy always had a long line of patience for you, she only screamed at you when you did something extremely wrong but when you did something kinda mean to her, she would just nod and smile. You were technically the only person who got along with Pansy so you two were bestfriends. As for the two henchmen of your brother, you were not quite sure, you treated them normally and the same way as Draco would.

People think that there's literally no difference between you two and that you were both the daddy's children but technically, you're more of the half one at that part. You were Draco's half sister but he still valued you the most. Lucius cheated on Narcissa once and the product was you. You looked like the exact replica of the woman, except for the platinum blond hair that's been passed on by the family.

You crush on Potter wasn't a serious one, it was between love and like. But that didn't stop you from being like Draco.

"Oi look, Draco! It's the one and only Harry Potter!" You declared, tapping on your half brother's shoulder, making his henchman and Pansy snicker.

"Why is his name even Potter? It sounds stupid! His parents were bad at naming him. Do his ancestors make pots for a living? They're probably just some stupid fat hairy monkeys!" You spoke extra loud for the other tables to hear.

Weasley and Potter were about to launch on our tables but Granger pushed them back.

"Come on guys, they're not worth it..." she whispers. You, both fortunately as unfortunately heard them.

"Not worth it?" You scoffed and started speaking in both disbelief and hate. "Not worth it, Granger? From what I know; you're the one who's not worth it. Unlike you, Draco and I come from a prestigious and honoring family. And yours? You're just an insufferable filthy mudblood know-it-all."

"And if you dare to call us: not worth it again, you might see your house burnt down." Draco added.

"At least we're not stuck-up like you bratty people are!" Ron screamed.

"That's enough." Professed Mcgonagall stood up. No one paid attention to her.

"No one asked you, Weasley rat." I said.

"You'd never burn our houses, you don't have the guts." Hermione spat.

"No one asked you either, mudblood. And after what Draco and I had our father do to that stupid bird, you think we wouldn't have the guts the burn your filthy house down? How stupid, ain't I right, guys?" You asked your friends. They cheered and whistled in response. They all stayed silent.

"Awe, nothing to say? Scar-head? Poor Weasley? Mudblood?" Draco questioned.

"NO ONE CARES MALFOY!" Harry snapped, he then turned to you, and started walking to your direction, you walked backwards but he had you cornered. "And for you..." he punched you with all his might, breaking your nose like Hermione did with your brother. You screamed and held you nose, sliding down, crying.

"That is enough! All of you! Detention with Professor Snape! And since Potter and Malfoy has been making the most noise, Potter, escort Malfoy to the hospital wing!"

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