Chapter 5: Catch Up.

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I was stood in shock, the boy I had sent off to live a perfect live was standing at my door. Not one inch different about him, it took Tally a few seconds to realise that Peris was there. "What on earth are you doing here" Tally said looking quite confused. "I'm here to see you, and in all honestly I thought you seeing me again after so many years apart would be a happy reunion!"
"No Peris what are you doing here, seriously you cannot have given up you dream life to come back here.".....

—Everyone who is ether about to have their life changed or has have their life changed know once you've left the Ugly town for the Pretties, it's counted as forbidden to enter here again this is because you have a chance of been effected by those at home who suffer from your loss and immediately change there mind to live back as an Ugly. However if this happens which it rarely ever does this person must then become an Untrue. This is where you are untrue of what you are Ugly or Pretty and therefore must live and hide from the Government and their army.

"I've come back like I said before to see you!" Peris exclaimed going slightly red in the cheek .
"Look I'm your closest friend, you can tell me anything." Tally said sounding reassuring to Peris who's mood has changed quite drastically.
"I'm being hunted" Peris said letting out a sigh after, quite a deep sigh which seemed to fill the atmosphere with even more tension.
"How, what have you done?"
"I....I might have killed some!" Peris let out whilst quietly sobbing to himself.
"What!" Shouted Tally "you did what?"

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