Chapter 6: Explantion

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Peris said sounding ashamed, "I did not mean to kill them okay it was a accident I guess?" "You guess?" "You guess you just killed someone by accident, what kind of idiot does that?" Tally shouted.
-Peris shuts the door quietly and quickly, due to the feeling of paranoia starting to creep up on him-
"You need to stop being so loud okay, or your going to get us both killed!"
"But what the hell happened out there for you to become a killer?"

My heart was pounding, my blood was coursing through my veins fuelling the adrenaline, I stood their shaking, head spinning from the heavy breathing. Meanwhile, Peris is frantically walking around the room, thinking of ways to cover up his 'accidental murder'.
'Look, okay I had to do what I had to do okay, this guy was.. was coming for me, he knew that I didn't belong!"
"What the hell do you mean, 'didn't belong', the whole reason for you leaving is because you grew of age, and you were classed as a 'pretty'... if that's not belonging I have no clue what is?"
"I knew that you wouldn't understand okay, but, there's a group of people who never became a 'pretty' but left the 'ugly' state, and I have said that I would help them to assassinate the creator of the two divisions"

I have almost never seen Peris cry before, and for the first time, he was, he was In deep pain. I had to help.
"Right, what do I have to do?"
Peris's head shot up immediately, his tears slowly drying away.
"We have a plan. And we need you as bait!"

"We?" I said sounding so surprised! "There is more than one of you planning on using me as bait?"

"Sorry, but we agreed that you would be the best for this, please we need you!"

I can feel my heart rate increasing but nothing like before, my heads starts to spin I loose control of my breath and I collapse on myself. I am sweating uncontrollably and my eyes start watering, this cough emerges through my body and almost pushes me to the toilet. To throw up. Peris is trying to comfort me and help, he passes me water and a cold flannel, but I.. I keep telling to stay away. Within what felt like forever there was a knock on the door, as I passed out and lost all control the knock grew more and more aggressive. Until it stopped, altogether.

I wake up but not in my bed, bright lights covering my body highlighting every pore.

"Hello!" said a distant voice which seemed to be growing closer, I opened my eye slightly to find the creator of the worlds, standing right in front of me.

I think to myself that this has something to do with Peris and try to comfort that I am not going to join his plan, but as he carries on speaking I find out what really happened, and I'm shocked to say the least he lied. Peris lied.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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