Ice Cream (Peter Parker)

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a/n: lol just pretend delmars is an ice cream shop too

"Peter, c'mon hurry up," you whined while watching Peter, your best friend(and crush) slam his locker shut.
"Y/N, I promise the ice cream won't be melted when we get there," Peter laughs.
"You don't know that," you huff, as you drag him by his sleeve down the hallway, out the doors, and into the streets of Queens.

The two of you walk into the ice cream shop, and are instantly greeted by the owner.
"Hey Mr. Delmar!" Peter shouts as he walks up to the counter, you trailing not far behind him.
"Peter! Y/N! How are my favorite customers doing?" he asks.
"We're good!" you reply with a smile.
Mr. Delmar begins to scoop the ice cream without even asking because he knows your orders by heart- a small cookies and cream in a bowl and a small mint chocolate chip in a cone.
You go to hand him your money but Peter quickly swats your hand away and hands Mr. Delmar $5.00.
"My treat," Peter says.
"Thanks," you blush as you grab your bowl of ice cream off the counter.

You and Peter make your way out of the shop and towards his apartment.
As you walk up the stairs to his apartment, Peter digs around in his pocket for his key.
"Found it," he says, pushing the key into the lock and turning it.
You walk into the apartment and throw your backpack down.
"Ugh that was so fucking heavy," you sigh.
"I could've carried it for you, you know," Peter says.
"Peter I was fine," you laugh. "Anyways, do you wanna start the movies now or later?" you ask while walking to the kitchen to get some water. Peter, however, was entranced in his phone.
"Peter? Hellooo? Earth to Peter?" you ask walking back towards him and waving a hand in front of his face.
"Uh, i'm so sorry y/n but i gotta go," he says quickly.
"What do you mean? we've been planning this movie night for weeks."
"I know and i'm sorry. it's just uh, the stark internship, it's really important an-." You cut him off.
"Yeah whatever Peter it's fine. Have fun," you sigh, grabbing your backpack, and walking out the door, without even waiting for a response.

You make it back to your own apartment and flop onto your bed. After laying there for a while, you decide to change into some leggings and a comfy sweatshirt and to listen to some music. An hour and a half and 2 Shawn Mendes albums later, you peek out your bedroom window at the sunset. Deciding you want a better view of it, you carefully climb out your window and up the fire escape to the roof. You lean on the ledge of the building and sigh, thinking about all the fun you'd be having with Peter right now if he hadn't bailed.

"God i can't believe i was gonna tell him i like him too," you mumble quietly.
"Tell who you like him?" someone says behind you.
You jump and turn around and your eyes widen at who is standing behind you.
"Yeah that's me," he says with a chuckle.
"Woah, this is crazy. What are you doing here?"
"Uh, you looked like you needed a friend," he says quietly.
"Wow how'd you guess?" you huff.
"What's wrong?", Spiderman asks.
"Ugh its, it's nothing really," you respond, wanting to blurt out all your problems to your new masked friend.
"You sure? It doesn't sound like nothing to me," he replies, sitting down on the ledge of the building.
"You really want to know?", you ask.
"I'm all ears."

So you begin to tell him everything about your Peter. About getting ice cream everyday after school, about him bailing in your movie night. Absolutely everything. And he listened.

"Didn't you mention something about telling someone you liked them?" Spidey asks, completely unaware of what you were about to say.
"Oh yeah, I was finally gonna tell him that i like him, but that got ruined too," you huff.
Spiderman stiffens, before saying, "You like Peter?"
"Yeah. Hell, I love him. It hurts knowing he'll probably never feel the same but i have to tell him sooner or later."
"Actually... I do," Spiderman says, while beginning to take off his mask.
"Huh? What do you mea- oh my god," you say as you turn to face a red faced Peter.
"Peter, you're Spiderman?"
"Yeah, surprise," he chuckles while scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh my god, I'm such an idiot. Wait, so is this the 'Stark internship'?," you ask curiously.

"Yeah, this is it, y/n. This is why I had to bail on our movie night earlier. I'm so sorry," he explains. "I just couldn't tell you because i was afraid you'd be too worried about me."

"I worry about you anyways Peter, whether you're in the suit or out," you giggle. "But it's because I love you."
"I love you too, y/n," he says, slowly leaning forwards before connecting your lips, pulling you into a passionate kiss. You return the kiss before pulling away, catching your breath.

"You know," you say, "this is better than ice cream."

a/n: mhm i know this sucks you don't have to tell me twice

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