Birthday (Peter Parker)

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hi just a warning, i threw this together quickly bc i wanted to post it today on Peter's actual bday lol so ik it sucks but other than that, enjoy!

I looked myself over in the mirror one more time before grabbing a sweatshirt, the giant bag of snacks I had gotten just hours earlier, and made my way towards my apartment door.

"Bye mom!," I yelled as I opened the front door.

"Bye y/n! Tell Peter I said happy birthday!," she yells from somewhere in the apartment.

"I will," I say as I quickly shut the door behind me and make my way down the stairs and out the door of my building.

Obviously as you heard before, I'm going to Peter's. But he doesn't know that I'm coming over. He thinks I'm out of town for some work thing with my mom so it's going to be a total surprise. I even got May to be in on it too.

Soon enough, I arrive at his building. I head up the stairs to his floor and before I know it, I'm standing right in front of his apartment door. I raise my hand and knock lightly.

Moments later, the door is swung open by May, who quietly instructs me to come inside.

"Hi y/n," she whispers. "Peter's in his room so we have to be careful so he doesn't hear."

"Gotcha," I whisper back while walking over to the kitchen and putting the bags I was carrying down. I glance over at his room and sigh in relief when I see his door is closed.

"Oh y/n, Peter's gonna be so happy when he sees what you have planned."

I smile. "I can't wait to see his reaction."

May walks over to the kitchen to help me unpack the bags I had, pulling out popcorn, some candy, ice cream, and just about every topping you could think of for a sundae. She even surprised me by getting a couple balloons, which I thanked her for because I forgot to get some myself. I walked over to the living room and set out every Star Wars movie in existence on the coffee table.

May and I double check and look over everything to make sure it's good to go.

"y/n, I think it's go time," May smiles at me while pointing at Peter's closed door.

I nod in response before walking over to his bedroom door and knocking lightly.

"Come in," I hear him yell from what I'm assuming is his bed and I do just that.

"Surprise!," I yell as I swing the door open.

Peter looks up from his book and immediately jumps up.

"Y/n? Wha- I thought you were in New Jersey?!," he asks as he rushes across the room towards me.

"Did you really think I'd miss your birthday?," I reply, looking into his eyes with a grin.

He smiles. "You're amazing."

"This isn't even half of it," I giggle. "Follow me." I take his hand and guide him out of his room and into the kitchen.

Once he sees everything, he squeals.

"y/n! How'd you do all of this?," he exclaims, his eyes darting around the room taking, everything in.

"It wasn't all me, May helped."

"You're seriously the best y/n," he says, lightly pecking my lips.

"I know," I say as I pull away, lightly ruffling his hair with my hand. "Now c'mon, that ice cream is gonna melt!"

I drag him into the kitchen and begin to take the tops off of the ice cream containers.

I see Peter looking at all the flavors before finally picking one.

"I think I'm gonna go for cookie dough," he states matter of factly while taking off the top to the carton.

"Solid choice Parker," I say, scooping my own cookies and cream ice cream into a bowl.

Once we got all of our toppings on our ice cream, we settle down onto the couch.

"Ok," I say resting my ice cream on the table and picking up some of the movies. "Which one do ya wanna watch?"

"Hmm," he says looking at the choices before pointing to one. "Empire Stikes Back."

I nod before getting up and putting the movie into the player.

I sit back down on the couch next to Peter after grabbing my ice cream and the remote from the table.

Just as I sit down, Peter turns towards me and kisses my cheek. I turn my face so that our lips are inches apart, before connecting them and pulling him into a passionate kiss. He pulls away, smiling.

"You know how much I love you, right? Like no one else would've done this for me," he says, eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"I love you too Peter," I smile as I grab the remote and click play.

I lean my head onto his shoulder and get comfy as the movie begins playing.

"Happy birthday babe."

in honor of the one and only Peter Parker's birthday today!

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