Stranger (Peter Parker)

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third peter imagine in a row? wowza. anyways, i hope you enjoy!

I was at my desk in my room trying to figure out an algebra equation. Just as I thought I figured it out, I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Sighing and slightly annoyed, I got up to open it. I twisted the lock and swung the door open, revealing a very attractive teenage boy. He looked familiar but I don't know from where.

"Hi?," I say to the stranger.

He looked up from the piece of paper he held in his hands and his eyes immediately widened. "Oh, hi. Um, is Mrs. Johnson home? Her mail accidentally got dropped off at my apartment," he says, and I could tell he was nervous.

I giggle. "There's no Johnsons that live here."

His face turns beet red as he glances back down at the envelope he held in his hands. "Shoot, wrong address," he says, his thumbs fumbling with the envelope. "Do you know where 207 is?"

I look down at the envelope as well. "There's no 207 in this building," I state.

His eyes widen. "What do you mean? It says right here it's in Evans Square."

"This is Oak Park," I giggle, finding it cute how he messed up the address.

"Oh," he whispers, clearly embarrassed.

"It's ok. I can help you find it if you want," I offer.

"Are you sure?," he asks. "I could just find it mysel-"

I cut him off. "No, I've been meaning to get some fresh air anyways. Let me just grab my keys," I say, running to room and grabbing my lanyard off the hook on my door. I walk back out towards the boy and close the front door behind me.

We silently walk down the stairs of the building and out onto the busy streets of Queens. The boy speaks up.

"I'm Peter, by the way."

"So the stranger has a name!," I grin. "I'm y/n."

"That's a pretty name," I hear him mumble. I smile.

"Thank you Peter," I say, tucking my hands into my sweatshirt pockets.

We continued talking on our walk to Evans Square and I found out that he's 15, just like me. He also goes to Midtown like me, which explains why he looked so familiar. I found myself completely engaged in what he was telling me.

"And then, my friend Ned almost dropped his tray of food," he says in a fit of laughter.

"Oh my god," I manage to choke out in between giggles. I've gotta be honest, this kid is hilarious. I look up at our surroundings and realize we're standing right outside of Evans Square apartment building. To be honest, I'm pretty sad that our walk is over. "We're here," I say.

"Oh," Peter sighs and I can tell that he's sad it's over too. "Well, thank you for walking me here. I had a lot of fun," he smiles.

"Me too."

"I'll see you around, y/n," he says, beginning to turn away and walk towards the building.

Just as I was about to say goodbye, I realized something. "Wait!," I call out.

He turns around to face me again, with a smile.

"Give me your phone."

He gives me a puzzled look. "Huh? Why?," he asks. God, he's so oblivious.

"You'll see."

He fishes around in his pocket before pulling out his phone and handing it to me.

"You have to unlock it silly," I laugh.

He blushes and unlocks it before handing it back to me. I take it and open up his contacts and click add. I type in my number and my name before clicking save. I lock it before handing his phone back to him.

"What did you do?," he asks, still oblivious.

"See for yourself," I say beginning to slowly back away, watching Peter unlock his phone again and his whole face light up as he realizes what I did. I internally scream as he looks up at me and gives me a huge smile.

"I'll see you later Peter," I call out, before turning and walking back towards my building.

Maybe him interrupting my math equation wasn't such a bad thing after all.

kinda short, but kinda cute?

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