dating peter includes..

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dating peter would include:

•lots of cuddles
•cute nicknames
•him bailing on dates all the time but you don't get mad for some reason
•"...stark internship."
•aunt may loves you
•you finding out he's spiderman
•"oh my god my boyfriends spiderman!"
•may walking in on you two making out and walking right back out
•and being ok with it (kind of)
•basically just all the snacks
•his apartment is basically your second home
•watching sunsets together on the roof of your building
•sneaking kisses all the time during school
•him taking care of you when you're sick
• randomly breaking out into song ALL the time
•geeking out about star wars together
•ned shipping you two before you were even dating
•attempting to do the spiderman kiss
•failing at the spiderman kiss
•being completely in love with each other

hi i figured i'd do one of these cuz i think they're really cute

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