Spider (Tom Holland)

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reminder!! i do take request so feel free to send some if you want to!!

You turn the handle in the shower to let the water warm up before you get in. As, you step into the shower, you feel the stream of hot water hit your skin, and it immediately relaxes you. You close your eyes, leaning your head back, letting the water run through your hair. As you open your eyes to reach for the shampoo, you are met face to face with a spider. You let out a loud scream as you jump out of the shower and grab your towel.

"TOM!", you shriek, wrapping your towel around your wet body before bolting out of the bathroom.

"What?", you hear Tom say as he rounds the corner and bumps into you.

"y/n, are you alright?", he asks, putting his hands on your bare shoulders.

"The-there's a spider in the shower," you explain, out of breath.

"Oh my god, y/n you scared the shit out of me. I thought there was a fucking serial killer or something," he responds, holding his chest.

"Close enough," you say with a huff. "Spiders are vicious."

He chuckles and starts to make his way towards the bathroom, you trailing behind him. "Ok, show me where it is."

You follow him into the bathroom and peek into the shower, spotting the 8 legged monster on the wall of the shower.

"There," you hiss, pointing at it with your index finger.

Tom grabs a piece of toilet paper and walks back to the shower before squishing the bug with it and throwing it into the toilet. He flushes it behind him.

You let out a long sigh of relief. "What would I do without you?", you say with a giggle.

"Probably have a house full of spiders, that's what," he says and you playfully shove him. "You're welcome by the way."

He begins to walk out of the bathroom, but you grab his shoulder, stopping him dead in his tracks, spinning him around to face you

"You know, I think there's one spider I could tolerate sharing a shower with," you say with a smirk, leaning in towards his face.

"I think I like that better than a thank you," he whispers back, before connecting your lips, pulling you into a passionate kiss.

heh i like this one a lot

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now