Boomerang (Tom Holland)

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the movie that is referred to in this is homecoming just sayin!!

"Ugh we have so many interviews today, Tom," I groan before taking a sip of my water.

"I know, but they're usually pretty fun so they go by pretty fast," he says, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I know babe, I'm just scared they're gonna ask about us again, we've been drawing this out for too long," you reply with a nervous shrug.

"I know," sighs. "If they do just say no and try to sound as convincing as possible. We aren't trained actors for nothing," he winks.

"Yeah, except they already don't believe us and I'm horrible at lying so we'll see about that," you say before being ushered into your first interview.

As you sit down in the chair, you're greeted by the interviewer.

"Hi y/n! It's so great to finally meet you. I'm Jack," he says with a huge smile, while shaking your hand.

You smile back. "It's great to be here."

"So, I want to start off with some questions about the movie and then maybe branch off from there."

"Ok, sounds good to me."

"Alright. So this is your first major movie correct?," he asks.

"Yeah, it is," you smile and nod.

"How does it feel to be working with such big actors and seeing your career really take off?"

"It's honestly the best feeling. I loved working with everyone. And seeing the fans react in such a positive way makes me really happy," you smile.

"That's awesome! Now, I know you've become pretty good friends with the entire cast, but you seem to have gotten extra close with Tom, if I'm correct. Care to elaborate?"

You begin to silently panic, searching your mind for a good enough lie to hold the fans off for a little longer.

(i thought of the spongebob brain on fire  pic while i was writing lol ok carry on)

"Uh, yeah," you reply, nervously cracking your knuckles. "When we first met, I felt like I had known him forever. We instantly clicked and I knew that we would be a really good friends," you reply, relieved that you came up with such a good story. But apparently the interviewer still wasn't having it.

"So, nothing more than friends?," he asks cautiously.

"Nope, just friends," you reply quickly with a huff, seeming kind of frustrated.

"Ok, well that's all I have for today. Thank you for joining us y/n!"

"And thank you for having me," you respond while standing up and shaking the interviewers hand before being brought out of the room.

                           Later that day

"So, did they ask you about us?," you ask Tom while waiting to go into an interview with him.

"Actually they didn't. I was really surprised. Did they ask you?," he says looking over at you.

"Of course they did, because they know I'm the worst liar on the planet. But I think my excuse was pretty good this time."

"What was it?"

"Oh you know, we met on set, felt like we knew each other forever, became best friends quickly..." You pause.

"You know now that I think about it, that seems like the most rehearsed, basic ass excuse someone could ever come up with," you say before throwing your head into your hands.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now