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'I wanted to rip her eyes out'. I stated to my lover as I lay naked in his bed, I had secretly entered his chamber, throwing my maids costume onto his gold carpeted chamber floor, and waited, knowing he would make his way here after his audience with the Queen.

He wasn't surprised at finding me here, he knew I could never be far from his side without feeling frustrated.

'Soon my love, soon'. He offered, soothingly as he removed his doublet and cloth-of-gold waistcoat. I admired his semi-naked muscular physique, proud and jealous at the same time.

Proud that he was mine, body and soul, jealous because by the end of the day he would be named as husband to that bitch Alia.

I knew and encouraged his plans, it had taken two years to come this far, and I had as much to lose as he did if we failed.

Darius had murdered his own uncle and young cousins, so he could take the title Baron of Valentia, a Desert Kingdom baronhood.

Once the people of his lands had been suitably subdued, they had dared to rise against him having loved his uncle and having no wish for Darius to be their baron. Their minds had changed when Darius refused to allocate them their portions of corn, surplus sent from the Grass Kingdom as the desert lands were unable to produce as much as their produce abundant neighbours.

We had journeyed here to the capital of the Empire, weeks of ardous camel rides and sleeping in dusty tents, leaving our three bastard children in the care of my able mother, hoping to ensnare a rich noble lady for him to marry who would enrich our coffers.

Instead of a rich old lady, Darius had ensnared the greatest prize of them all, the Queen. Our plan had been even more successful than we had ever thought possible.

I opened the silken sheets to show him his prize, the early sunlight glinting sharply in my red pubic hair.

His cock rose instantly as I knew it would and welcomed him into my arms as he leapt on top of me boisterously.
I sighed as he kissed my neck and licked his way down to my nipples, which were red and taut as the blood flowed into them. I dug my fingernails into his back as a vision of him doing this same thing to Alia came into my jealous mind.

A moan escaped his lips, he liked it rough, so I dug my sharp nails even deeper, not caring if his soon-to-be wife saw the marks.
Maybe I should carve my name into his back to brand him as mine, I thought spitefully, not content with only me knowing who he belonged to, wanting the whole empire of Samiria to know.

As my darling lover made love to me, the sweat pouring off him and invading my senses with his manly scent, I imagined a time when it would be me as Queen of his heart and every one knowing it, knowing I would do anything, anything to make it so....

Warning! This is NOT a nice character....
Comment and let me know what you think of her???✏✏✏

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