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"Whe-Where's my drink?" I slurred at the bar keep, slamming down a handful of Coppers, not noticing that in the pile were also a few Bronzes, each Bronze worth a dozen Coppers a-piece.
Not that the bar keep minded, he pocketed them with no guilt whatsoever, his long greasy black hair pulled away from his face in a tight warrior's queue, knowing in a few hours he'd have to take me and my drunken ass home.
"Where's Iliza this evening Jim?" Galen, the bar keep asked me as he placed a foaming mug of honey infused ale carefully down on the bar's counter.
I swayed slightly, holding onto the iron bar under the counter.
"Why don't you sit down at one of the tables Jimmy? I can get Clara to bring your drink over to you instead of standing up at the bar like a young sapling in the wind". He indicated to his youngest daughter, a large buxom girl who refused to marry and leave home because she loved her mother's cooking.
"I'm fi-fine, Galen, just celebrating thass all" I held up my mug of ale, spilling half it's contents onto the bar before downing it in one gulp.
"The wedding was beautiful was it not? And the Queen, bea-beautiful as ever" I shouted out to the confines of the Golden Bear, smiling at the nods, whistles and drink raising of its patrons, who all agreed with me full-heartedly.
"Shame she had to marry again, if you ask me Jim. King Arnolf will be an act to follow, won't he not?" Galen lowered his voice at his statement, always careful at keeping his views to himself and a few trusted patrons.
Even in my drunken frame of mind I saw the truth in his words, Arnolf had been the hope of the Empire, a strong warrior and a kind statesman, firm but fair, you always knew where you stood with him. His death had caused a tidal wave of grief throughout Samiria.
Darius was an unknown, an inscrutable man who it seemed had come from nowhere.
"Mark my words Jimmy Boy, he'll be trouble". Galen whispered into my ear, leaning over the counter to do so.
The smoke from a dozen pipes were burning my eyes and I rubbed them looking up at Galen, whose piercing blue eyes held sixty years of wisdom.
"B-b-be careful who you say that to now Galen, the Queen is a good woman but she might not like people bad mouthing her new husband". I informed him, tapping my nose clumsily to show him his thoughts  were safe with me.
"N-Now I must be off before Iliza makes me sleep in the courtyard again....like the strays".
Galen had turned to serve a tall dark skinned merchant from the Desert Kingdom who ordered his land's signature drink, Snake Bite Brandy, a copper coloured drink that burns the tongue for a second before sliding smoothly over the throat.
I tried balancing on the bar to right myself, my scabbard causing me to tilt slightly because of its weight. Galen looked over to me in concern.
I had come straight here to the Golden Bear Inn after seeing the Queen and her entourage, including her new husband, back to the Rospoint, knowing Iliza would have seen herself home straight after the procession.
I hoped she wasn't mad, I thought to myself as I waved at Galen, who waved back shaking his head at my stumblings, glad I was upright enough to allow me to walk home myself.
I'll talk to Gwinn, I decided and discreetly inquire about the new King, Galen's words bothering me for a reason unfathomable in my drunken state.
"Nah, it's just Galen and his love of intrigue" I muttered to myself as I neared home, the courtyard dark and quiet. My neighbours had obviously not celebrated as hard as I had, I laughed, thinking maybe I had celebrated a bit too hard.
The only apartment with a light on was mine and Iliza's, she mustn't be that mad if she'd left a candle on for me, a warm glow in my chest warmed me causing me to chuckle at my good fortune.
"Everything else be damned" I said quietly to the darkness as I reached my door, finding it left open for me.
"Tomorrow I'll find out what's to do" I promised.
"Tonight I'm off-duty". I said to no-one in particular as I walked through the apartment to find Iliza awake waiting for me in bed. I smiled widely as I said her.
"Tonight I'm yours and yours alone".

As you can probably guess Jimmy is a contradiction in himself. A dutiful soldier by day and flawed at night...

Please comment and let me know who your favourite character is so far???

A/N: Please fellow Wattpaders give some of your famous shouts of love to an aspiring writer and let me know what you think good or bad. I'm dying to know what you all think of my writing...

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