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The route the Queen was going to take to the cathedral was lined with the five thousand strong unit of the Queen's Highwaymen, each standing to attention with the full dress of leather kilt, leather sandals and pressed green linen shirts.
The route was a mile long and already packed with spectators, many had been here for days trying to pick out the best spot for a glimpse of their Queen on her wedding day. The gold-plated shields worn by the Highwaymen emblazoned the route with the unintentional reflection of the bright midday sun. I covered my eyes with the back of my left hand, and walked into the busy courtyard of the Rospoint.
Banners and garlands of flowers hung from every window and door.
I was to accompany the Queen on horseback, as she rode in her carriage on the journey to Ros Cathedral, and I wondered what her dress would look like as I made my way to present myself to Lorens, the Queen's High Steward.
I thought of Iliza, smiling at how happy she had been as she held my arm whilst we strolled to the steps of Ros Cathedral, in my eyes the best vantage place for a spectator. I had told Robi, a junior Highwayman to keep an eye on her.
Armed with her wrapped lunch and a bottle of elderflower wine, she had promptly sat on the stone road between Robi and another junior Highwayman.
I had turned to see her offering the young lads a roast beef and gravy pastry, which they had promptly taken and eaten after checking to see a commanding officer wasn't watching. My heart had tugged on its strings at her quiet kindness and the looks of gratitude the growing lads had bestowed on her. I relaxed knowing they would watch over her, not just because of my orders to do so, but because she had shown them geniune kindness.
Lorens interrupted my revery with his billowing, his bald head was as red as a whore's dress as he shouted at his underlings his commands and orders.
"Lord High Steward, I am at your command" I said respectfully, as I bowed my head to him slightly. The man was a legend to soldiers throughout the Four Kingdoms, and I would have bowed to him regardless of his title.
He looked at me, bewilderment in his eyes as he took in the countless people around him running to and fro with important errands, trying to make the procession as smooth as possible.
"Ah boy, finally, I need you in the Grand Walkway, the Queen will be descending from her chambers any moment you must be ready at your post when she gets there." Lorens croaked at me, his voice was threatening to desert him it seemed.
I placed my hand on his thick muscled shoulder in solidarity, his hazel eyes dulled with tiredness.
"It will be over soon, and then you'll get the rest you deserve" I whispered to him.
He sighed, his shoulder relaxing visibly under my hand.
"I hope so boy," he chuckled lightly, "it seems like it will never be over with".
I removed my hand from his shoulder and saluted him, the highest ranking commoner in the land, and left him standing among the chaos of the Queen's Household staff.
The Grand Walkway was at the front of the Rospoint the entrance of the Queen and the Queen only, a monument to the stonemasons who had carved it centuries before. The marble of the hundred metre walkway led to the enormous wooden doors that led to the hand carved marble steps at the front of the Palace.
I was to wait for the Queen at the Grand Doors, and I stood to attention after making sure my dress uniform was presentable.
The doors were beautiful, faces of mankind and different species of land and sea animals had been intricately carved in the tiniest detail, I traced them with my fingers as a hush came over the chaos.
I looked up at the Grand Staircase as the Queen arrived at the top of it, surrounded by her ladies, beautiful and laden with jewels.
Even to my untrained eye, her dress was magnificent and in that moment I thought of Iliza, knowing that she wouldn't forget this day and it's splendour for a long time.

A/N: Jimmy has far to go in this story follow him and all the other characters as they journey through Samiria.

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