6. Runner

6.5K 306 31

Everest Hills
Everest High School


"You are attending tryouts for Track and Field?" Fae bombarded me with the question first thing in the morning as she leaned to my side once the teacher of our AP Calculus class wasn't looking towards our direction. It appears that she and I are in the same class.

"Well, yeah. It was time for me to use my sprinting skills for some good use." I shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Why didn't you tell me anything? I had to learn it from Anakin himself and I'm taking Track and Field for 2 years now." She continued on and I tried to reply as much as I can. She was talkative so she didn't really mind if I just nodded the whole time. My mind went to another dimension as I thought of the episode that happened between A.T. and me two nights ago. I'll be seeing him right after I drop Lucy off from school. I was still furious at his words. He had no right to accuse me of such things. He knew nothing of the life I had behind.

"I wasn't keen on really informing anyone. I happened to mention it to Anakin when he irksomely kept on questioning me as if he was conducting an interview. Honestly, when will he ever quiet down?" Fae chuckled at my obvious insult and agreed with me.

"I doubt he will. I'm just thankful I don't even have to tolerate man-whore behaviour from him. Really, I've had enough of my brother and Ares sleeping around." She huffed and played with the tips of her ginger hair, the tip of her elbow leaning on the wooden desk.

"They seemed to be extremely confident with their looks." I conveyed when the bell rang and we both rushed out of the classroom.

"Speaking of man-whores, there they are." I immediately sensed the irritating mood of Fae and her expression changed into a nauseating look. I was afraid that she would barf when she saw Helios sucking a woman's face like a lollipop. Ares, on the other hand, was slipping his hands to who knows where with the same woman.

Clearly, I was bad at comparing.

My stomach churned in disgust together with my eyes that squinted and I had to grip Fae's shoulder to walk faster to our destination. When they were out of our site, we imitated hurling sounds along the way.

"That was disgusting."

"Yeah, tell me about it."


"Your agility is impressive. Some more practice and you'll be ahead of me." Fae commented when we were sent off and allowed us to take a 10-minute break. I had to hold myself back from going all the way to the full length of my capabilities. No doubt, I'd be quicker than any of the ladies. I no longer wish to cause anyone to look at me in suspicion and question me with questions I don't know the answer to.

Laughter ringed in my ears and a light brown-haired woman who was as tall as Fae made her known as she spoke next to us with a bunch of her scrawny looking women at her sides, "As if she'd beat me. She only falls 4th in the whole run and even Tiffany was able to run pass through her."

"Your graving personality beseeches me to wrap my hand around your petty little neck, June." Fae started to shiver in anger and her eyes started to fully blacken.

"Can't control your wolf now?" June continued on, bitterness evident in her features.

At the mention of her wolf, Fae's anger subsided and she spoke in an unrecognizable tone, "The way act now doesn't change the fact that you are hurting with her disappearance. Quit it, June."

June frowned and left.


What was that about?

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