4. Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Everest Hills
Everest woods


The evening rush of cold wind seeped through my thick-coated snow-white fur. My front feet hit against the muddy ground as I ventured and ran passed through the blurring trees. Various scents filled my nostrils but the majority of those were the smell of rain, pine trees, and the fishy odour of the lake nearby.

My wolf happily took control as she swiftly ran in a zig-zag pattern to show off her skills. She momentarily stopped at the boundary of a pack. Based on their similar pack scent, I could identify them as the pack that Jax, Vaughn, and A.T. were in. She took her time as she scanned through the empty area. I can imagine our silver eyes glowing against the moon right above us, half of it covered by the branches and leaves. Our eyes would only shift to grey and black once my wolf turns feral and feel a sudden emotion of negativity.

1/3 of the pack consisted of the forest but as I expected, there are patrols on every corner of this place so when I heard the crack of a fallen branch and a whiff of a person's scent a kilometer away, I quickly got to my legs and left the boundary grounds.

"Stop. It's not a rogue." I heard a familiar voice from afar.

"A lone wolf?" I didn't catch what the other man was saying. "What was it doing alongside a pack boundary?"

"Who knows."

Dirt already caught itself and tainted my white fur. My wolf transported us to the nearby lake and lowered its head to drink water. The lake had a tinge of blue and green and had pebbles by the shore. The cold water slithered down my throat and filled my empty stomach.

The barely full moon's reflection can be seen on the surface of the lake's water. The lake was calm and collected as there were no riffles caused by the wind, the fish, or any disruption of the sort.

I thought of Lucy and I felt bad for leaving her unattended. My wolf was already on the edge of shifting for I haven't shifted in days. The majority of my time that was taken over by both school and work prevented me from doing this. I thank the goddess that the way directly to the forest was merely 5 minutes away from the apartment. Besides, I yearned for the fresh air and the natural scent that surrounds me at the moment. I am a wild animal.

I've had my wolf ever since I was 8 years old. It started out as a tingling feeling at the corner of my mind as I felt an invader inside my head. I paid no attention to it for I was young at the time and all I thought was getting away as far as we could. Then the headaches began to consume my body and my mind started to heat up. My head felt like a ticking bomb, exploding only in a matter of seconds. After a few days, the pain subsided and I felt another presence in my mind that was completely connected to my thoughts. Aunt Lys explained to me that it was the mental presence of my wolf as it is starting to develop itself in my human vessel. As I grew, my wolf started to mature and at the age of 13, I finally shifted for the first time and Aunt Lys wasn't even there to console and guide me through it. My bones would rearrange through the entire process and fur would slide in and out of my skin. After my first shift, I grew accustomed to my next shifts and I was able to transform into my animal in a matter of seconds. My senses began to enhance themselves even more afterward. And every time I am in this form, she was in control and I'd step behind into the back of her consciousness. It is similar to what she does whenever we're in our human form.

Wolf. She alerted me as her ears slightly flickered at the sound of paws against the ground. Her head snapped to the location of the sound. Along with the shadows of the trees, I could form a silhouette of another wolf. Slowly, the wolf appeared from the shadows and the moonlight brought about its appearance.

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