Chapter 7

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You immediately closed your eyes "No I'm not awake, I'm just sleep walking."
"Then how are you talking?" The man said.


"With my mouth."

Silence filled the room. Finally someone said "Technically she's not wrong".

You slowly open your eyes and saw a bunch of people who you can only assume broke out an insane asylum. The guy that was holding you had a blue mask with some black stuff coming out of the eye sockets. You didn't know what it was and you don't want to.

There was this one guy with two cuts on his lip to make it look like he was smile even though he looked like he wanted to kill himself and he wasn't blinking at all. There was this girl next to him who was cuddling his arm, she looked very similar to him actually. Next to her you saw

"Hey your the guy who slit my throat" you said looking at the link cosplayer as he slowly walked away. There were these three other guys behind the couch, one was eating waffles and the other to were eating cheesecake.

"Can you please put me down, I'll be a good hostage from now on." You said

The blue masked man put you down and you immediately crawl back into the vent shaft and put the cover back on. "Come out." The blue said but they  didn't get a response because you were crawling a light speed trying to find an exit to the outside until your phone started to ringing. You checked to see who it was and it was Reaper. You crawled as fast as you could the room you woke up in.

When you got there you answered the phone


Reaper: what took you so long to answer?

(Y/n): Crawling those a vent shaft because I got kidnapped.

Reaper: oh makes sense. Any way you think you could meet me in the center of the slender forest in 15 minutes its really important.

(Y/n): Reaper I've been kidnapped.

Reaper: OHHH. make it 10.

(Y/n):Thank you. See you soon love.

Reaper: bye bye!

You hang up the phone and sighed 'I worry about that girl some times'

"Who you talking to?"

You look up only to see blue da ba dee dabba da-ee right in front of you and the link cosplayer was above you


"Can you please move I need to meet a friend." "Why?" "Fuck you thats why. Now move!" You attempt to kick him in the face but it completely failed and you got knocked out again. How you may ask?


The girl who could never die (Creepypasta x reader) Where stories live. Discover now