Chapter 12

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Warning:This chapter contains BEN being a perv so be prepared.

You were play (F/g) {favorite video game} and you started to get hungry so you went up stairs to the kitchen. Reaper had called you about an hour ago telling that today was pure chaos. There is apparently a group of rogue reapers killing a bunch of people and she's the one responsible for chasing after them. She said that it may take a few hours or even days to catch them especially since their leader is a pure blood.

When you went back down stairs you saw Majora's mask in the TV screen. "Well fuck." You turned around and walked back up stairs. You locked the door to the basement and when to the upstairs to take a nap. You decided that the best course of action was to sleep with the whistle around your neck. Ya it would be uncomfortable but not as uncomfortable as sleeping with a noose around your neck. (its a long story that will be explained later)

BEN had just crawled out of the TV I'm the basement and was about to go upstairs until his face meet the door. He tried to open it but it was locked from the other side. "Why the hell is it not locked from this side. Oh right. Plot convenience." He went back to the TV and crawled back inside to try and fine another way. He saw that there was a Tv in the guest room so he when to that. He crawled out and when to the hall way and after searching he found you sleeping in the master bedroom. But he thought he should have some fun with this

He crawled into the bed and slowly snacked his hand around your waist. Your body shifted a bit because of the whistle. He slowly crept his other hand your thighs. Your eyes slowly opened onto to see a guy in the bed with you blushing madly. He stopped when he realized you were awake. "Hey, I'm BEN~ what's yours~" You looked at him "HI BEN I'M" you took the whistle and blow it "RAPE!!!!"

A/N:Sorry for the cliff hanger but I did want to point out that the last line you said is a reference to jontron.

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