Chapter 16

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"REAPER!!!!!!!!" (Y/n) ran to where Reaper was at full speed.

"What is it?" Reaper said looking at
(Y/n) with BEN against the wall chained up.

"I STILL HAVE SCHOOL!!!!" You practically screamed. Thankful it was the weekend so you should be able to get that paper done before the weekends are over sense you did only have two paragraphs left to do, proof read, and correct.

(Side note: I made it so that (Y/n) after writing a paragraph proof reads, and corrects it before writing the next one.)

But then again you had a shit ton of other homework to do and you had to help your friend with theirs.
(we'll get in to them in the next chapter...maybe)

Reaper got up and summoned her scythe and created a portal to your house. "Be careful OK?" She said as you walk through the portal and into your living room.

You picked up your phone and saw it was 1:36 on a Sunday. You sighed as you picked up your bookbag and when to your office. You open the laptop and turned it on after which you grabbed your flash drive. You stretched as you prepared your self for hours of non stop homework.


~ Timeskip ~

The time was currently 10:28 and you were done with your last assignment. You had gone throw 4 cups of coffee to keep yourself up. But now the madness was over you could go to sleep only to repeat the cycle all over again.

You when through all the homework you did on the computer and made sure you saved it all. Afterwards you got up and stretched and when to bed.

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