21. Possessiveness

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Sam's P.O.V

Jerome instantly grabs both of my hands, holding them above my head and against the wall behind me. The look in his eyes is something I've never seen before. He's almost acting like an animal, as if he's cornering me like I'm his prey. If looks could kill, I'd be long gone. Hell, I'd probably already be in my grave.

"That was pretty stupid of you, doll," he doesn't say my nickname like he usually would. He doesn't say it in his jokey manner. It's sinister, and definitely deadly.


I don't reply, unsure of what to say. I very much doubt a 'sorry' is going to calm him down.

"You're scared of me, aren't you?" He snarls, already knowing the answer, "Good. That means you know that I won't hesitate to hurt you if you try to run away."

Double shit...


Jerome's P.O.V

"Are you even listening to me?!" I shout, letting go of her arms. She drops to the floor, and I tower over her.

"Yes, I'm listening!" She replies quickly.

"I'm glad," I get onto my knees in front of her. I'm still much taller then her. "Now, listen to this."

She nods, not wanting to piss me off even more.

"I own you. And can I ask you something, Sammy?" I continue my rant, not waiting for her to reply.

(wrote this was I was dumb asf and young; don't ever let someone speak to you like this.)

"What would you do, if someone you took care of decided that they didn't care about what you gave them, and tried to run away? Would you do nothing, act the same way as you did before, let it be all sunshines and rainbows, until they try to run away again?" I lean forward, snapping the words into her ear.

She shakes her head, tears leaking out of her eyes, which are gleaming with complete anger and fear.

"I won't do it again, I swear! Just stop!"

"You belong to me." I growl, not holding back as I somehow lean even closer to her, my nose pressing against her cheek when she turns away. "You're mine. No one else's. Remember that, next time you even think about crossing me."

(once again, never let anyone speak to you like this.)

I stand up, not wanting to talk to her anymore. Am I pissed at her? Hell yeah. But somehow, I'm more angry with myself. Stupid, right?

When she started crying, I couldn't help but feel guilty. If I let this side of me takeover more often, I could probably end up hurting her, or worse, losing her forever. I couldn't live without her. I wouldn't.

"I left your food when I heard you and Tabby," I clench my fists, almost in an effort to break my knuckles, "I'll go get it."

I leave her there. Curled up in a ball, and scared of me. I make sure to lock the door this time.

I find the tray of a readymade breakfast for Sam where I left it, on a counter behind where Sam was standing, when she and Tabitha were 'talking'.

"Jerome," a voice growls behind me, and I turn to see someone I'd hoped I could ignore, for the time being, at least.

"Barbie," I force a smile, and try to ignore her menacing glare.

"Where the fuck is Sam?"

- - - -

aight yall, don't ever let someone treat you like Jerome treats Sam. Ik I'd be fuckin pissed if someone was like that to me, and I'd swing hands.

I was dumb asf when I wrote this (still am but 😖) and now I'm older ik how gross this shit is.

It's pretty much only here to show you how psychopathic Jerome is, cos like I don't rlly wanna sugarcoat it and make him seem like this nice guy. He's not lmao. Man literally tries to murder a kid for three seasons fucking straight lol.

Don't let any of the weird dudes/ladies in the book who act like pieces of shit make you think that is a desirable relationship.

It's really not but they're all fucking crazy lmao I can't exactly write about them being all cute n stuff all the time without it being unrealistic asf.

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